Thousands of obscene messages to two baristas, sexual scandal inguaia English deputy minister


Recent defections in the Brexit case were not enough, Theresa May's UK government now faces a new bad scandal. This time, Andrew Griffith 47-year-old Associate Deputy Minister of Productive Activities, resigned after the discovery of dozens of his messages sent to two young baristas electricians in his college . . Griffith, the former head of Theresa May's team, was criticized after the victims themselves decided to report it to the press. Griffith's resignation came after the Sunday Mirror published the content of the messages in which the politician – married and became a father for the first time in April – harbaded the two women by asking them to send him badually videos and photos. explicit.

According to the indictment, the MP, elected in 2010, sent messages to women before and after important meetings in Parliament. "He dropped the battery of my phone after bombarding me with two thousand obscene messages," said one of the victims, Imogen Treharne, 28, also revealing that Griffiths would have boasted of beat women during intercourse. Imogen admitted that she and her friend sent explicit videos to Mr. Griffiths in exchange for money after his request, but then decided to resign because of his obsessive behavior. "I thought he was a good guy, but in the end, I felt dirty, I felt like I was used to gratifying this rich man" concludes the 28-year-old

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