TIM: Brindisi in the top ten Italian provinces for Internet consumption


With an average consumption of about 97 gigabits per month and per line, Brindisi ranks sixth in the ranking of Italian provinces for Internet consumption from the TIM fixed network. Brindisi follows Naples, Crotone, Palermo, Prato and Syracuse in the top ten provinces that generate the most traffic, preceding Reggio Calabria, Foggia, Catania and Taranto. These 10 provinces are all characterized by larger families. This is apparent from the data published today on rete.gruppotim.it, an initiative that illustrates the development of the broadband and ultrafast band of TIM, the largest in Italy with more than 16 million kilometers of fiber currently laid on the national territory and with an extension equal to 41 times the distance Earth-Moon, is nearly 400 times the circumference of our planet.
According to the data – updated at the end of 2017 – it also appears that the fiber optic coverage of the province of Brindisi is 89.2% of households, higher than the national average.

The site rete.gruppotim.it collects more than 7000 data and 107 maps that photograph for each region and for each of the Italian provinces the development of fixed broadband network and mobile and ultra-band band and the use that Italians do the Internet in different parts of the country. A real encyclopedia of the network, rich in knowledge, knowledge and Italian technologies. Today, thanks to the TIM network, 19 million Italian families (about 78% of the total population) can benefit from very high speed connections, an important step as it was only three years ago, the percentage was 28%.
By browsing the "Data and maps" section, you can check the adsl, fiber, 4G and 4G plus coverage and fixed network internet traffic volumes for each region and province of Italy with a key reading of last four years. The data, updated at the end of 2017, underline TIM's commitment to the development of high-speed and high-bandwidth networks in the different regions of the country, with an investment of more than 9 billion euros over the next two years. last three years which allowed him to improve his performances and capillarity

To guarantee a total access to the collected information, you can download all the data in "open data" mode from the "Download" section or download the " Netbook "in pdf format.
At the end of 2017, the national coverage of TIM in ultra-fixed broadband has already reached 77% of households. At the regional level, more than 80% of the coverage is covered by 7 regions, on the podium are Sicily, Apulia and Liguria. In the same period the national coverage LTE (4G and 4G Plus) is equal to 98% of the territory, with 7257 municipalities already reached by the ultra-mobile broadband.

The distinctive element of the site is the ability to understand how Italians use the Internet. where they reside. In the past year alone, TIM users have generated more than 7 billion gigabytes of traffic on the fixed network, equal to the vision of 500 million films in very high definition (4K). In one year, the average monthly fixed-line bandwidth consumption increased from 66.1 gigabytes per month to 82.9 gigabytes per month, an increase of 25 percent over the previous year. This means, in terms of using video content, about an hour more per day spent in front of a PC or any device connected to the network.

Brindisi, July 9, 2018

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