Tires, how to avoid punctures and low pressure risks


The suggestion for a two-way round trip for the summer holidays is to turn to tire dealers to have their tires checked on their car, not just in relation to pressure. Injuries, cuts, bulges on the sides or tread are not visible to distracted control and when it comes to safety, it is best not to omit details. Not to mention that irregular consumption can be attributed to mechanical anomalies related to tires, such as imperfect wheel balancing, irregular braking, inefficient suspensions and incorrect vehicle geometry. Manufacturers provide tire pressure recommendations based on drivability and ride comfort properties.

As the experts note, the latest car models are well equipped with the Tpms (tire pressure monitoring system). ) or the tire pressure monitoring system. When the alarm goes off, the alarm goes off. Otherwise, if the car is not equipped with this technology, it is imperative to check the tire pressure every three weeks. But according to the results of the Nokian Tires survey, most drivers do not always check the pressure of their tires on occasion. The study also reveals that at least a quarter of European motorists check tire pressure before embarking on a longer trip.

Road Checks on Roads

However, it is the period of roadside checks as part of the Safe Holidays project. As can be seen from the prevalent data, one out of four cars was found to be non-compliant with safety and approval standards, which demonstrates that it was a problem. a neglected aspect. Surprisingly, however, is the upward trend, as 24.72% of cars are not up to 17.9% a year ago. For example, it should be remembered that the tire tread of the vehicle can not be less than 1.6 mm, as well as the rules of the road. How many can already now say with certainty to be in compliance with the provisions?

Smooth tires and fake tires

As explained by the director of Assogomma Fabio Bertolotti, the phenomenon of smooth tires is very dangerous, even in summer, more and more characterized by overflows. an almost tropical nature, which dump large amounts of rain on the roads in a very short time, which greatly increases the risk of hydroplaning. A car with smooth tires can double the braking distance compared to the same car with tires in good condition. A difference in terms of meters that is often the first cause of an accident. In this context, they reflect the cases of counterfeit tires as they were original in the logo, in the mark and in the basic technical characteristics. However, just to give an example, winter tires almost never exhibit structural and performance requirements that guarantee safety in conditions of limited grip.

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