Today in Ventimiglia International solidarity day for a European residence permit


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Arci Savona supports and participates with conviction in the event of today "For a European residence permit – Ventimiglia solidarity day", organized by the "Progetto 20k" badociations (Arci Imperia, Arci Camalli ACPO, Arci Handala, CSA Mole and Clock, Friction Theater Group, Cultural Association intemelia 25 April, Power to the Imperia people, Cultural Association … and yet we must go & # 39 ;, Party of the refounding Communist Province of Imperia, Garabombo the Invisible, AIFO Imperia, Active Citizenship, Circoli Imperia and Sanremo Italia-Cuba, Solidali del Ponente, Cbada di Resistance of the West of Liguria, Peoples in Art) and to which belong Arci Liguria and Arci Nazionale
"An event to claim the right to mobility and Ventimiglia is the symbol of a border that should not exist for people, borders that multiply and militarisen t, new walls that leave goods and stop people, desires and projects of life.
For three years now the Arci in Imperia, with the precious support of all Arci Ligure, with its volunteers is committing to the border to support people trying to cross the borders to find the # 39 hope and freedom and try to lead a campaign of truth against those who sow fears, lies and lies about the migratory phenomenon. And this event, which wants to bring together many realities dealing with various issues related to immigration or mere individuals outraged by the shameful increase in phenomena of xenophobia and racism, fomented by politicians and opportunists, is an opportunity to reaffirm the idea of ​​a society without borders, welcoming and fair and just. For a globalization of rights, because more rights widen and more everyone benefits, if on the contrary they start to withdraw or not to give to someone, the consequences will be irreversible for a long time. Elisa Siri, Provincial President Arci Imperia

"Today, many migrants are back in Ventimiglia and sleep in informal camps, where everything is missing, where their dignity does not exist. in a Europe that rejects and criminalizes them.Criminalize, without shame, even those who try to give them help and / or relief.We have the duty not to turn our head elsewhere, we have the Duty of welcome for these women, men and children and we have especially the duty not to leave alone the community of Ventimiglia, long abandoned, mainly of institutions.This is why we think that it is just to participate in this event, to make you feel that there is also another Italy and another Europe that does not play on the skin of citizens for "the interests of the store", abandoning them in the middle of the sea leaving them alone in the face of a real exodus. Let us also invite the Ventimiglias to participate, citizens who have already shown solidarity on several occasions and who invite all the realities, badociations, groups and individuals to join us! ", Concludes Siri

Regarding the logistical details of the event, the concentration will take place at 14:00 via Tenda (river Roja) on the square where daily food is distributed by the network present at Val Roja, in front of the cemetery.

Departure scheduled at 3 pm / 3.30 pm The procession will end at the place of the municipality of Ventimiglia at around 6 pm


Arci Savona supports and participates with conviction in the event of today "For a European residence permit – Ventimiglia solidarity day" organized by the "Progetto 20k" badociations (Arci Imperia, Arci Camalli ACPO, Arci Handala, CSA mole and clock, theater group rubbing, Cultural Association intemelia April 25, Power to the Imperia people, Cultural Association and yet we have to go there, Party of the refounding Communist province of Imperia, Garabombo the Invisible, AIFO Imperia, Active Citizenship, Circoli Imperia and Sanremo Italia-Cuba, Solidali del Ponente, Cbada di resistenza of 39 Ligurian West, Peoples in Art) and to which belong Arci Liguria and Arci Nazionale
"An event to claim the right to mobility and Ventimiglia is the symbol of a border that should not exist for people, frontiers that are multiplying and militarizing, new walls that leave goods and stop people, desires and projects of life.
For three years now the Arci in Imperia, with the valuable support of the entire Arci Ligure, with its volunteers is committing to the border to support people who are trying to cross borders to find hope and freedom and to try to lead a campaign of truth against those who sow fears, lies and lies about the phenomenon of migration. And this event, which wants to bring together many realities dealing with various issues related to immigration or mere individuals outraged by the shameful increase in phenomena of xenophobia and racism, fomented by politicians and opportunists, is an opportunity to reaffirm the idea of ​​a society without borders, welcoming and fair and just. For a globalization of rights, because more rights widen and more everyone benefits, if instead they start to take away or not to give to someone, the consequences will be irreversible for a long time. "Said Elisa Siri, president of the province Arci Imperia

" Today, many migrants are back in Ventimiglia and sleep in informal camps, where everything is missing, where their dignity as a person does not exist. not exist, in a Europe that rejects and criminalizes them.Criminalize, without shame, even those who try to give them help and / or relief.We have the duty not to turn our head elsewhere, we We have the duty to welcome these women, men and children and we have especially the duty not to leave alone the community of Ventimiglia, long abandoned, mainly of institutions.This is why we think that it is fair to participate in this event, to make you feel that there is also another Italy and another Europe that does not play on the skin of citizens for "the interests of the store", abandoning them in the middle of the sea or leaving them alone facing a real exodus. Let's also ask the Ventimiglias to participate, citizens who have already shown solidarity several times and who invite all the realities, badociations, groups and individuals to join us! ", Concludes Siri

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Regarding the logistical details of the event, the concentration will take place from 14:00 via Tenda (Roja bank) on the square where the daily distribution of food by the network present in Val Roja, opposite from the cemetery.

The departure is scheduled for 15 / 15h30. The parade will end in the square of the city of Ventimiglia around 18.

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