Tokyo, executed Asahara and the 6 others responsible for the sarin massacre on the subway in 1995


The mbadacre of Tokyo Metro occurred in & nbsp; 95 is considered by the Japanese as the worst attack in the history of their country. On Friday, 20 years later, seven perpetrators were executed by hanging among them Shoko Asahara leader of the sect Aum Shinrikyo and # 39; spirit of the attack. The group put small bags containing sarin gas in the Tokyo subway cars and the gesture caused the immediate death of 13 people while thousands of people. others were injured. In the months that follow, Asahara supporters attempt other attacks that fail.

The leader of the sect Aum Shinrikyo proclaims himself Christ and Buddha at the same time. Born in 1955 from a poor family, he attended a free school for blind children; at the end of the years & nbsp; 80 he had created his own creed which included a mixture of Buddhist and Hindu princes and his words had joined tens thousands of followers too

In a short time, the worship became delusional, as the world leader went to self-destruction and only those who had already acquired supernatural abilities could hope to survive. The sect became illegal after the attack of 1995, but has not disappeared to this day and took the name Aleph or Hikari no Wa and still followers in Japan and throughout the world, especially in some countries of the former Soviet Union.

The chief of the cabinet Yoshihide Suga badured that the government is ready to prevent any form of retaliation of the supporters of the group while the relatives of the victims welcomed the executions. The death sentence for Asahara was decided by the court in 2004 and subsequently upheld by the Supreme Court of Japan to which it had appealed. In Japan death sentences are not executed until the verdict pronounced against all the accused and accomplices is not final without appeal pending against the members of the group.


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