Tourist packages Eye of surprises


Rome, July 8 (Adnkronos / Labitalia) – If you plan your vacation by purchasing a tour package, beware of surprises. That's why the National Consumers Union offers a series of tips to avoid unpleasant surprises and take full advantage of their relaxation. The first suggestions concern the days before departure.
– Request a copy of the contract to which you have subscribed, making sure to clearly refer to the offers contained in the catalog of information (in this case the information provided by the leaflets and brochures will be binding for the organizer ).
– If you subscribe to an insurance policy, read carefully the contractual terms (pay attention to franchise provision, non-refundable fees, etc.).
– If the destination is a foreign country, check the need for bureaucratic or health requirements (eg expatriation documents, entry visa, vaccinations, etc.).
– To oppose, in writing, any request for additional disbursements from the agency when less than twenty days before departure (within this period the law prohibits any price increase and if the Increase exceeds 10% of the total cost of the package, the consumer may still withdraw from the contract).
But there are a number of rules that, according to the National Consumers Union, are good to follow even during the holidays.
– The stay must take place exactly as planned (any modification of the program or the accommodation of the hotel justifies the reimbursement by the consumer of the price of the unappreciated service as well as compensation for damages).
– Contact the representatives of the organization on the spot to report any deviation from the travel contract (it is useful to pre-establish the written test of complaints submitted).
– Document any inconvenience through photographs, statements signed by other tourists, bills of expenditure (they will be essential to obtain damages from the judge).
And when you come back, if something has not gone well, do not let your guard down.
– Within 10 days of return, in case of discrepancy or ineffectiveness, formalize a claim with refund request by registered letter a.r. addressed to the travel agency, the tour operator and for information to the national syndicate of consumers.
– Keep, in all cases, the catalog, the travel documentation and the documentation proving the non-fulfillment of the tour operator.
The National Consumers' Union provides badistance every year to thousands of consumers who report damage caused by holidays in ruins. With July 2018, new rules on tourism come into force.

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