Toxic cloud in the Neapolitan. It costs San Vitaliano


The Minister: the evening decree Terra dei Fuochi

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Simonetta Ieppariello

"I am optimistic, I hope that the Land of Fireworks decree will arrive tonight at the Council of Ministers". The Minister of the Environment badured him Sergio Costa speaking of the Land of Fires Decree in San Vitaliano, where he visited the waste platform that had been burned yesterday. "The political forces of the government – explains Costa – are supportive and ready for this transfer of skills from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministry of the Environment, there is no downtime and the League did not pose any problems ".

"I asked Minister Salvini to consider sensitive waste disposal sites in Italy, that is to say, sites that could enter into the coordinated control plan of the territory, managed by each prefecture with the help of all police departments. overhead costs of preventive control; it means giving an additional guarantee of prevention to the citizen but also to the entrepreneur. Minister Salvini will certainly be sensitive to my proposal, "said the minister, recalling that in the past two years, there have been about 300 piles of waste storage sites throughout Italy.
The shift of jurisdiction between ministries "provides that everything that is done for Land of fireworks comes under my jurisdiction – adds the minister – So it speeds up the work of months or semesters.Of course, it's different to say that the problem is solved, but you can start talking only about security and recovery and no more than an agricultural problem. "

" Nobody has a magic wand – warns Costa – but resources for recovery can be traced. The minister explains that funds for sanitation "are not yet quantifiable". Interventions that will be carried out with European funds, to intercept and invest to the maximum. "The bicameral committee on waste traffic," says Costa, "did a good job in the last parliament, this work should not be thrown into the sea, the new government should not throw it at sea. work of the commission. "
Fulvio Bonavitacola, vice president of the regional council and owner of the dellaga all & # 39; Ambiente, also spoke in the clbad about the history of the fire. "The Arpac mobile lab is being activated," he said, "I asked to oversee agricultural production because of the over-scrupulousness because it's good to give the best image possible. "

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