Tragedy in Milan: shoot at his father and his partner. Then he commits suicide


CORMANO Three dead. A double homicide-suicide in the family home of Cormano, on the northern border of Milan. The owner Romano Platini, 64, resident of Cinisello Balsamo and his companion Anita, 54, of Novate Milanese, killed by one of his sons, Maurizio Platini, 43, with shots. Weapon that the killer was pointing at him. This, at least, the first reconstruction. The drama late in the evening of Monday, before midnight, when the other son of Platini, 32, did not see the family back to check in the shed at number 22 of Via Zara, and discovered the three corpses on the first floor, where are the offices of Nuova Seri Cart, a graphic advertising company.

The victims had been dead for hours. The killer's body was found in the hallway on the floor with the gun next to it: a 5-shot revolver. Father Romano Platini was in the office (all offices are glazed) behind the desk, and the state reached by bullets. The woman was in another office and Maurizio Platini hit her there. All a few meters anyway. The motive would be related to Maurizio's labor disputes and personal problems, described as somewhat troubled and problematic. It seems that before the murder there was a discussion. Milan pm Cristina Roveda ordered the autopsy on the corpses, now examined by the coroner. Father and partner were the partners of the company, to them the quotas are directed. The children worked inside as employees.

July 3, 2018 (Amendment of July 3, 2018 | 04:30)


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