Tramvia, the tests of line 3 have been completed. "Many critical problems but solutions found"


Florence, July 10, 2018 – End of Exercise to empty on the line 3 of the tramway of Florence the new section which, united with the Linea 1 , will connect Scandicci to Careggi Hospital . Tomorrow, indeed, the 10 days of pre-exercise established by the Ustif Committee of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport will end.

"It was very demanding 10 days," says Jean Luc Laugaa of Gest "because we had to concentrate work in 10 days, which usually takes two months." For this reason, he, "we have doubled the teams and lengthened the schedule, in order to be able to check the operation of the system, the reaction time to the unexpected, the criticisms" and the solutions ". The "empty exercise" allowed the regulators and maintainers to get acquainted with the line ", but also" allowed to find some critics which, emerging at this stage, allowed us to solve them in advance, In short – concludes – were tiring but useful days . "

Among the various critics found Gest, the society that" governs "the service, reports on not Perfect timing of traffic light. "In more of a situation, from stops, the green light for trams has not always been given, causing delays and delays in service on the whole line ", explain the technicians.You also have trouble communicating via the intercom between the tram drivers and the control room." Here too, with the builders, we intervene in two directions: to improve driver training on the s procedures to follow and the verification of the software that manages the communication. "

On the new line 3, some were highlighted. ] criticism on the Careggi post, which recorded a sudden loss of tension, an "aspect in solution", they explain at Gest. The need to improve the height adjustment of the contact line and its polygon appeared on the supply. Another critical touch, the noises before . In particular, the noise produced in the curves, in particular those entering and leaving the Viale Morgagni, on Dalmazia Square, was examined. Problem solved with the installation of ungibordo system perfected by Hitachi. Or the noises at the station at the stop Strozzi-Fallaci, with the not always perfect operation of the sound communication (frequent hissing) at some stops. Problems on which "the builders are already working to solve them". Other aspects that emerged were the perfect visibility of the traffic lights and the speed changes along the road. As requested by the Ministerial Committee, "we carried out the simulation of the accidents, with information to the users, the request of badistance and the management of the procedures for the beginning of the temporary service". The empty tests, Gest concludes, will continue in the coming days, until there is no green light.

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