Transform the double passport in South Tyrol – Last hour


(ANSA) – BOLZANO, JULY 21 – The beginning of September will be ready
the draft law of the Austrian Government for the
dual nationality for South Tyrol. The newspaper the announcement
Tiroler Tageszeitung that speaks of a "turning point" reached in the
working group in Vienna. At the next session, scheduled
September 7th, the draft
bill. The Austrian Government nevertheless reiterates the
will act only in accordance with Rome, writes the newspaper.
As announced by the Tiroler Tageszeitung, all citizens
Italians living in South Tyrol and belonging to the group
The German and Ladine languages ​​will be able to apply
to receive Austrian nationality. "To emphasize the spirit
European "of the provision are extended the rights of all
EU citizens also having an Austrian pbadport.


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