Transport, Toninelli: "Here is the package" Safe routes ", more attention to cyclists and children"


ROME – More attention to cyclists and children, sustainable mobility, motorcycles on the highway, anti-abandonment measures in cars and to increase road safety. It is a comprehensive set of measures and measures on mobility that Transport Minister Danilo Toninelli is learning to launch. The package, says a note from the ministry "will arrive at one of the next meetings of the Council of Ministers, marking a first step towards the revolution that Minister Toninelli wants to continue: delivering a green future for Italy, where the means of transport are as little impact as possible ". The package consists of two bills: one on sustainable mobility and the other on the modification of the Highway Code, which will be called "Safe Roads". Much news, with measures for the anti abandonment of children in cars, for cyclists and for electric transport vehicles

Priority, in the words of Minister Toninelli, to cyclists: "L & # 39; last year, 254 dead and this can not and must not happen anymore: use a means as clean and durable, which is good for the health of those who use it and others, who is not dirty neither cluttered, must cease to be an act of courage and become a choice of normality, for a better quality of life ". But the main goal of the whole measure, says Fifth Minister, is to "make our cities cleaner and livable, more free of our roads, but also to reduce driver consumption with a pace more regular which does not change

Here are the measures envisaged in the bill "Safe Roads"

· Anti-abandonment systems for the children
With a modification of the article 172 of the Highway Code, the installation of anti-abandonment devices on children's car seats.For the purchase of these devices, there will be a tax reduction.

· New for cyclists
The draft law developed by MIT also provides news for cyclists, for example, the MIT explains that bicycles can travel in the preferred lanes or on the streets reserved for local public transport in the city, where are the requirements these necessary security. Then there will be advanced stop lines for cyclists at traffic lights, as is already happening in many European cities. With another change, it is easier to transport bicycles on rental buses, tour buses and bus lines.

· Motorhomes on the Road
Another amendment to the Code will allow electric motors of more than 11 Kw, which can therefore be driven only by adults, to travel on motorways and main roads outside the city. The change is necessary to fill a regulatory void – explains the MIT – which implies a category of vehicles of low impact more and more widespread

These, on the other hand, are the changes envisaged in the draft of law on sustainable mobility. The bill aims to replace the airports of Rome Fiumicino, Milan Malpensa and Venice, which act as intercontinental gates, vehicles and equipment powered by endothermic engines with vehicles and electric traction equipment. The goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve the level of environmental sustainability. Incentives offered for the replacement or conversion of vehicles. Enac will oversee the implementation of the vehicle replacement program at the three airports

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