Trenord, puzzled unions on separation



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We receive and publish the joint note of Cgil-Cisl-Uil on the meeting held in Milan on the theme Trenord

Today following our meeting request was held a meeting with the Lombardy Region represented by the President, with the Advisers for Transport and Budget of the Lombardy Region, the President of FNM and the Councilor Bonomi

At the opening of the meeting Lombardy Region explained the reasons of choice : Faced with the objective Trenord's difficulty in providing Lombard citizens with a punctual and adequate service, separation appears to be the only viable choice given the impossibility of An agreement with the other shareholder. In particular, neither side would be willing to give up control of Trenord and Trenitalia would have linked the investments to the fleet, objectively essential to increase the quality of the transport to the acquisition of the majority stake of the society. Nevertheless, the Region believes that this choice will lead to an immediate improvement of the service conditions, especially for the commitment of Trenitalia to send new rolling stock, pending the completion of the transaction.

Unions expressed concern and perplexity. as regards the consequences for Lombard users as well as for the workers, and because of the lack of prior information and sharing that, in the past, with the birth of Trenord, the unions had acted.

The OO.SS. they had indeed shared the creation of Trenord as an instrument to overcome the divisions between the two networks (FSI and FNM), creating a useful synergy especially in terms of service for the benefit of the citizens. The path we are going through today is not the only way to safeguard this goal, but it seems to take into account only the divergent interests of the two shareholders who, although understandable, can not take over on those of the users. This choice may also set a precedent for the whole country, thus blocking the idea of ​​integration between networks and transport systems . On the other hand, the strength and stability of both structures will be verified.

Cgil Cisl and Uil also represented the considerable difficulties that separation will entail for the workers both in terms of the contract and in the definition of the number of workers involved. 19659005] The Lombardy Region took note of the perplexities, recognizing certain elements of merit in the advanced discussion also because of the good foundations on the Trenord project and, at the same time, reiterating that this project is not already defined. In any case, he is committed to setting up a comparison and monitoring table with Cgil Cisl and Uil that accompanies the ongoing process.

It should be noted that the better, more than a year and have more steps . The first step will be the establishment of a working group that will determine the scope of activities, after which there will be a union discussion in the company offices. At the same time, with the cancellation of the shareholders' pacts between Trenitalia and FNM, the latter will name the new peaks of Trenord. We will then proceed with the change of the Trenord shareholding structure (100% FNM) and the partial transfer of the service contract to Trenitalia on the identified lines. Finally, without prejudice to the regulatory exceptions, the definition of two separate service contracts with a duration of ten years and the drafting of new investment plans of the two companies would continue. Guarantees have been granted to maintain existing agreements for staff.

Cilil Cisl and Uil finally asked the Lombardy region to promote a similar meeting with the F group to complete the framework

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