Tria, risk of a downward revision of growth – Economy


"The design of the reform will be effective if it identifies the most appropriate instruments, defining a realistic trajectory of objectives and intermediate and final deadlines, preserving the trajectory of reducing the public debt and avoiding a reversal of trend in structural adjustment, while badessing what is the most appropriate temporal dynamics, "said Economy Minister Giovanni Tria in Abi, also referring to" close contact with our European interlocutors " .
Government – inform M5 sources – also started a team to study and proceed to the realization of the income of citizenship Tria is back to indicate, for this year, also the risk of a revision to the decline of the growth to motivate the forecast with the slowing of the production and the exports

There are three points of governance essential and "priority" : the reform of direct taxes with the aim of reducing the tax burden on households and businesses, social inclusion paying particular attention to the fight against poverty and integration into the labor market; the revival of public investment, not only with new resources, but by removing bureaucratic obstacles and administrative weaknesses. This is the list provided by the Minister of the Economy, Giovanni Tria, at the Abi Assembly. "Focusing on the endogenous stimulus to growth based on public and private investment – he explained – means addressing the issue of employment and building productive capacity."


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