Tria: Risks of a moderate downward revision of GDP in 2018. But no corrective measures


There is "a risk of a moderate downward revision for the 2018 growth forecast". The Minister of the Economy, Giovanni Tria, pbades a hearing before the Committee's Budget and Senate Committees to illustrate the guidelines of his mandate. "Even in a positive image, the" recent "data suggests that growth continued until the end of the second quarter, but at a slower pace" in the same period of 2017 "and the latest estimates The first objective of the entire government is the priority pursuit of the growth of the economy in a framework of social cohesion in the first quarter. within a fiscal policy "providing for further reduction of the debt ratio -Pil". And "we will also continue to move in a direction that will not aggravate the structural balance," adds Tria

No corrective action during the year

"Government does not intend to take corrective action during the year" and avoid "measures that could aggravate balances." For the Minister of the Economy, it is "still possible to close the year 2018 with the debt programmed and confirmed by the Def. We are confident that the 2018 data will be consistent with this goal. From the first contacts, the European Commission is geared towards waiting for final data ". In any case, the "executive" will work to get the necessary space from Europe and this Parliament to implement the measures envisaged by the program "while ensuring that" no reversal trend in the structural path "is necessary to strengthen the confidence of international investors.

The trend will also depend on the spread

At the Assemblies of Deputies and Senators, Tria further specifies that "the trend of public finances is substantially in line, if not better than projections,
data needs and Revenue trends suggest that the positive trend could continue in the second quarter "but the trend" of the second half of the year will also depend on the maintenance of a good growth of economic activity and the Employment as well as the level of returns of the government bonds that will be involved. "

2019 target deficit implies too drastic effort

In Via Venti Settembre, it is also believed that the forecast of the def in the current legislation for the following years, especially for 2019, implies a too radical adjustment and we do not consider it useful to adopt policies that can prove to be highly cyclical with u n real slowdown in growth due to essentially exogenous variables, without prejudice to the objective of ensuring a lowering of the GDP debt ratio and the non-aggravation of the structural deficit ". And Tria does not fail to point out that he has "started a dialogue with the EU in order to set a deficit consistent with the government's goal of encouraging growth and growth." ;employment".

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