Trump blocks the entry into the United States of China Mobile for national security reasons


(Reuters) – The US government has decided to prevent China Mobile from offering its services in the US telecommunications market, recommending it to reject its claim because the company, owned by the government, would put national security in danger of the United States.

US President Donald Trump. REUTERS / Leah Millis

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) should therefore refuse permission to the request sent by China Mobile in 2011. This was announced by the responsible agency (NTIA) in a statement released on its website.

"After spending a lot of time with China Mobile, the fears of not respecting US law and the risks to national security have not been resolved," reads the statement.

China Mobile, the world's largest operator with 889 million customers, has not responded to Reuters' request for a comment.

The decision of the Trump administration fits into a landscape of increasingly growing commercial clutches between Washington and Beijing. The United States will impose duties on Chinese goods worth $ 34 billion as of July 6. An equivalent answer is expected from Beijing.

China Mobile lost 1.8% this morning.

In his recommendation, Ntia writes that the reason for his judgment depends "especially on the past activity of Chinese intelligence and economic espionage to the United States, combined with the size of the company and its technological and financial resources. ".

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