Trump changes version: "Russia interfered, I believe in 007"


The day after the meeting with Putin that unleashed a storm of controversy against Donald Trump, unanimously accused in the United States of "capitulation" against the Tsar, the tycoon goes back: "I wanted to say the opposite", scandalizes in the evening, clearly rectifying his own words spoken next to Putin 24 hours earlier.

The river full of criticism and condemnation this time really overwhelmed him. Back in Washington in the morning, Trump found the capital in turmoil, the west wing in chaos, senators and Republican party leaders struggling between embarrbadment and careful but necessary distances . The President of the United States accused of "treason", of an embarrbading America in front of the world, of an unprecedented surrender to a Kremlin tenant. And especially to have "believed the KGB and not the CIA," as thundered the head of the Democratic Senate Senate Chuck Schumer

Reverse, at that time, became inevitable: "I've full confidence and support in the intelligence of the United States "and" accept "the conclusions of the 007 on Russian interference in the elections.But the day Trump had started with this look and l & # 39; intolerance that has accustomed America and the world, and that continues to break its aftermath.Via Twitter had in its way protested against criticism, condemnation and disdain that he had planned ("Whatever I do , I would be criticized, "he had tweeted before seeing Putin)

He had written that he had had a big meeting at the Born but" even better "with Putin, pointing to the media:" We do not do not report in these terms, the false news has gone crazy! "But this time, perhaps for the first time, he had to adjust the Well, almost everyone asked him, even the closest badociates. And Trump did it by taking in front of the cameras the transcript of the Helsinki press conference: "I realize we need a clarification: I wanted to say" I do not see why the Russia should not be held responsible for "interference in US elections". A slip, an oversight: "I meant the opposite."

Trump had to do it, because the confusion and the complaint seemed too strong and too long, at Capitol Hill as on all news networks, including Fox. Reaction after reaction, intervention after intervention. And if the chorus of the democratic opposition could be taken for granted, it was the embarrbadment in which the Republican Party, its leaders in the House and the Senate sailed for hours, which made the rectification necessary. The Washington Post had been very tough: Trump "openly plotted with the criminal head of a hostile power". The Wall Street Journal dismayed: "A personal and national embarrbadment". And then the long wave of criticism of the Grand Old Party senators who have nothing to lose, or well-known critics of Trump who, in the next election, have decided not to show themselves. But also the speaker Paul Ryan: the Russians "have interfered in our elections, it is very clear, there must be no doubt about it". Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell: "The European countries are our friends, the Russians are not." Only Pence stood firm in defending the president's words, repeating, "The President will always put America's prosperity and security first." Too little, of course.

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