Trump freezes purses, Milan closes


(Alliance News) – Piazza Affari ends in the last session of the week, with investors giving a lot of weight to the latest statements by US President Donald Trump against the Federal Reserve and go to top of Cbada Depositi e prestiti and Treasury

Trump, in an interview with Clbad Cnbc, said that he was "not enthusiastic" about the US central bank's rate hikes as " a move that could neutralize the recovery and this will put the US in a "disadvantage" position because the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan will continue to maintain an expansive monetary policy. "

Among the new Italian policies, today the government and the majority they found agreement on the direction of Cbada Depositi e prestiti, of which Fabrizio Palermo will be the new general manager. As is known, the chairman of Cdp will be Mbadimo Tononi, indicated by the minority shareholders foundations while Alessandro Rivera, current head of the banking department, will be the new director general of the Treasury.

In Milan, the FTSE Ebib closes by 0, 4% at 21,794.60 points after selling 0.4% on Thursday night [19659002] Mid-Cap sells 0.3% to 41,368.53 points while it's up. yesterday lost 0.3%. The Small Cap fell 0.3% to 22,012.04 points from the previous close just below parity. Finally, AIM Italia close the parity at 9,650.19 points after the loss of 0.4% Thursday

Among the worst in the Ebb, Buzzi sells 3.6%, feeling the difficulties of the US real estate market. as early as the cut of the tp by Kepler Cheuvreux, who brought the goal of the shares price of the cement giant to 24.50 euros from 25.50 euros, however advising the purchase.

Evil also the Agnelli Galaxy titles, with Ferrari down 2.4% and Fiat Chrysler 2.3% after two largely positive sessions due to the signing of the partnership agreement with Atlantia. Next week, the board of directors of the Italian-American car company will also have to clarify the splitting plans of Magneti Marelli and the succession of the general director Sergio Marchionne, after the rumors that it would be anticipated in relation to the fixed deadlines

industrial products, Leonardo fell 2.1%

Recordati gained 3.9% on the other side of the list, thanks to the rise in pharmaceutical prices that pushed whole sector.

1.5% increase, as well as Luxottica – up 0.9% – pending the semi-annual accounts to be released Monday

Snam is up 0.9% after the announcement of Subscription by the consortium of which it is part with Enagás and Fluxys, agreements with the Greek Agency for privatizations HRADF and with Hellenic Petroleum for the acquisition of a 66% stake of DESFA, the # 39; national operator in the natural gas infrastructure sector on

The consortium won in April the call for tenders for the privatization of DESFA on the basis of a bid of 535 million d & # 39; euros. The contracts were signed following authorizations received in recent days by the European Commission and the Greek Court of Auditors

Outside the main basket, Gedi gained 9.1% following the recent agreement with Poligrafici Printing in about the press – from the autumn of 2018 – from the newspaper "La Repubblica", Tuscany edition, and from all the editions of the newspaper "Il Tirreno"

In AIM, after being listed there a few days ago, Portobello sells the 4.7% after announcing the acquisition of spaces related to the opening of new Portobello stores.

Among the economic news of the time, there is a slight increase in the ratio of public debt to GDP in the euro area at the end of the first quarter, ie 86.8% against 86.7%. % in the fourth quarter of 2017. In the EU28, the ratio went from 81.6% to 81.5%.

Compared to the first quarter of 2017, the ratio of public debt to intellectual property L decreased from 89.2% to 86.8% in the euro area and from 83.6% to 81.5% in the euro area. # 39; EU-28.

published by Eurostat, the deficit relative to the GDP of the euro area fell to 0.1%, compared with 0.6% in the first quarter of 2017.

The German DAX 30 migrated to the euro. other European markets% while French CAC 40 fell by 0.4%

In London, the FTSE 100 ended down 0.1% with Unilever highlighted thanks to a rise of 1.9% after the 39; announcement of the completion of the first tranche from 3.00 billion euros of the already announced treasury share buyback program of 6.00 billion euros

in the FTSE 250, the good Sirius Minerals, up 1% after signing contracts to supply POLY4 fertilizer with two new Chinese customers

On the New York Stock Exchange, mid-session , Trump's words do not seem to affect investor sentiment, at least for the moment. The Dow increases by 0.1%, the Nasdaq gains 0.4% and the S & P 500 increases by 0.1%

On the currency market, at the end of mechanics, the euro changes of hands at 1.1770 USD compared to USD 1.1613 recorded at the close of Thursday while the pound is trading at 1.3107 USD from 1.3004 USD yesterday.

In the commodities trade, Brent's was established at USD 72.99 against USD73.06 a barrel the day before. The downward trend continues, which suffers from good macroeconomic figures in the United States and prevents traders from detaching from housing badets. An ounce of gold is worth $ 1,228.94 against $ 1,217.35 Thursday at close

In the US economic calendar, the national activity index of the US Fed will be released on Monday in the USA. 1430 CET and data on existing home sales at 1600 CET. The consumer confidence index will also be announced in the euro zone

With regard to the events planned in the calendar of companies, the half-yearly results of Luxottica and Inwit are expected Monday

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