Trump in Europe whips the EU and NATO: "With Putin, I will have the easiest encounter"


New York – A Spectrum Walks in Europe And he is the bearer of Donald Trump, who landed last night in the Old Continent for a week of meetings with allies who have announced themselves more stormy than ever. This is the spectrum that has already sown fear, manifesting itself less than a month ago: that of a summit and meetings that betray violent controversies and transatlantic divisions, between Washington and the United States. NATO countries, even behind facade units. Followed by a more relaxed and comprehensive summit – according to Trump himself – with "the enemy" and strong man in service, this time none other than the Russian Vladimir Putin.

The script would be a "remake" of the one-two in June. Between the G7 in Quebec, where Trump snatched last June the final statement of criticism of its trade protectionism by the host, the Prime Minister of Ottawa, Justin Trudeau. And so many pumps – and dubious stuff – of the historic meeting that followed with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, complimented and admired repeatedly by Trump for the "skills" of leadership.
for Western alliances.

NATO Summit and Military Expenditures. Trump's critics on European allies

A policy considered by the same American experts at heart, impromptu and sensitive to the fascination of the authoritarian characters with whom Trump seems to be comfortable, dealing with the same and with the same language, the "transactional", "Alleged concessions, as if it were a game of monopolies." Much less even than a cynical, pragmatic realpolitik but which keeps at the center of the strategies and basic interests. probably not missing at all to Putin or Kim, who from battles in the West would have everything to gain.This is not that they lack clairvoyant characters within the same US administration, ambbadadors to perhaps the same Secretary of State Mike Pompey.But their influence often seems to be reduced to public relations duties, to mbadage the language of the President, while in the decisions he is a confused dependence on Trump and his moods.

On the eve of the trip, influential diplomats spent to highlight how the White House remains in all the conviction of NATO and its leadership of the organization, only to be constantly contradicted by the messages of the President. In the countdown to this ten-day European journey, Trump has not hidden, in tweets and speeches as in real letters sent to Heads of State and Government, his worldview of America first, that he has his new pilgrimage to Europe. A vision that sees NATO as an example of American exploitation by allies who do not want to pay for their defense. And this, in addition, interprets the European Union as a kind of Trojan horse, created specifically to make fun of the United States and damage them economically.

His dreamed rebalance in international relations is that of a less committed America in all senses when it comes to directing the free world.
On the contrary, Putin sees a strong heir of the Tsar with whom to improve relations, with whom to treat hard to hard. Despite his own advisers, those who remain, warn of the risks of being manipulated by Moscow, to underestimate his campaigns of interference and destabilization in the Western elections as well as between the democratic alliances. There is no doubt that to Putin, a NATO divided, discouraged or politically paralyzed, even armed up to the teeth, can be comfortable. Like Kim an America caught between empty threats (hopefully) of nuclear pimples and the scenario of inconclusive negotiations. The two are probably playing a long-term game on the premise and stronger than they will always support when Trump returns to privacy.

The NATO summit, of course, comes on the wave of internal clashes between partners. Trump has repeatedly accused in the countries of the Atlantic Alliance, starting with Germany, of not playing his role when it comes to military spending, remaining under the ceiling set at 2. % of GDP, although efforts have been made in this direction. Still in the hours leading up to the landing in Europe, it was triggered by micro-messages on the Internet: "The United States spends much more than any other country to protect them. This is not fair for our taxpayers. And then we lose $ 151 billion in trade with the EU.

The last is a reference to the estimated deficit with the European Union, with which he also engaged in a duel with unilateral tariffs on trade. The European agenda of Trump with the allies is, perhaps not surprisingly, reduced to the bone, to avoid excessive embarrbadment: in addition to the summit, a single bilateral meeting, with the Secretary General of the NATO Jens Stoltenberg. Yesterday, Union President Donald Tusk responded to Trump in an expression of nervousness and concern surrounding Washington's outflows: "Money is important, but true solidarity is no longer". And he added a push perhaps not without sarcasm: "America, appreciate your allies, in short you do not have many."

Trump will then be Thursday in London, visiting the government in crisis on Brexit by Theresa May – your other disadvantage for you since he had openly supported the UK's exit from the EU. Finally, here is Putin in Finland. And here paradoxically promises to be comfortable, if one wants to give credit to the words of the president: "Frankly, the one with Putin should be the easiest match," he said. declared yesterday leaving the White House for the Old Continent. A robbery, politically, to the unknown.

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