Trump, Pfizer will go back – World


(ANSA) – WASHINGTON, JULY 11 – The President of the United States
Donald Trump praises the Pfizer pharmaceutical company – which he had
attacked in recent days on rising prices – indicating
that now means going back. "I just have
spoke to the CEO of Pfizer @SecAzar, "wrote Trump on
Twitter, "Pfizer supports the increases, so I
American patients do not have to pay more. I congratulate the Pfizer
for his decision and I hope that other companies do it
same thing. "In recent days, still on Twitter, Trump had
said: "Pfizer and the others should be ashamed to have
price increase for no reason. You enjoy the
poor and those who can not defend themselves, while
offer at the same time advantageous prices to other countries
Europe and elsewhere We will answer "". The American president was like that
to return to one of the themes of his election campaign,
during which he undertook to lower the prices of


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