Trump-Putin: what's left of the Helsinki summit in addition to russiagate


A restaurant in Helsinki tried to keep the Russians and Americans together in the same dish. And to commemorate the summit of July 16, he imagined the "Trumputin", an imprudent combination of blinis and Russian crepes, caviar and berries, sour cream and vanilla sugar: the recipe "reset".

Hovering over the gastronomic value of such a mix, there remains an important question: net of russiagate, beyond the controversies and judgments about the behavior of Donald Trump and the statements of Vladimir Putin, what remains d & # 39; Helsinki? The constructive dialogue discussed by the two Presidents will have a place and channels to continue, people who will take it in hand, or the future of bilateral relations will remain in suspense, waiting for a real thaw that makes the scandal of the 39, interference for the moment impossible?

Open Line Between Generals

To return to the statements of Trump and Putin on the topics on the agenda in Helsinki, there is not much left in the hands: despite big announcements were not expected. But the real work of the respective administrations and diplomats is not flagrant: the uninterrupted contacts between the Chiefs of Staff of Russia and the United States, Generals Joseph Dunford and Valerj Gerasimov, who are met for the first time in February 2017 and over the last few months they have intensified the exchanges. On June 8, they met in Finland to discuss Syria – where a line of communication on the movements of the respective air force – and security in Europe remained open – the possibility of reducing bilateral tensions.

The two commanders – explained Patrick Ryder, spokesman for Dunford – recognize the need to maintain regular communications to avoid mistakes, promote transparency and prevent collisions in areas where our soldiers operate in the vicinity. According to CNN reports last month, despite the bad state of relations between Moscow and Washington, Gerasimov and Dunford have built a delicate and crucial relationship with discretion, to ensure at least from the military point of view the link the most stable possible.

Fight Against Nuclear Proliferation: A New Beginning

One of the channels through which cross-search interests that Trump and Putin spoke to in Helsinki should be realized. Starting from the fight against nuclear proliferation, to continue with the extension of the New Start treaty that reduced the arsenals to 1,550 tested per party and expires in 2012, can be extended by five years.

The agreements on Syria

If in Syria the positions of Russians and Americans vis-à-vis Iran do not seem compatible, a possible margin of cooperation in the south-west of the country, close to the Golan Heights controlled by Israel , calls on Putin to exert influence over Tehran to keep Iranian militia at bay and ensure border security. The outcome of the Helsinki Accords is not yet clear, believes the Russian political scientist Vladislav Inozemtsev, but greater freedom of action could be granted to Russia in Syria in return for a Reduction of Iranian forces and non-interference in US sanctions "Iran, whose Russians and Saudis benefit from having to fill the void created by the blockage of Iranian oil on the market. Putin also spoke of an intensification of humanitarian aid to Syrian refugees in order to reduce migratory pressures on Europe

Working Groups on the Economy

Shortly after the Helsinki interviews, interviewed by the Fox News television channel, the Russian president thanked the collaborators who have worked together in recent months, not just to prepare for this summit. I refer to the work of our departments on the most difficult issues, including the fight against terrorism. The concrete example of the interaction between Russians and Americans in Syria, where despite a long series of differences, the collaboration between the armed forces and the intelligence services continues. Putin also stressed the need to strengthen economic ties: I made this example to Tramp – he said -. Today, Europeans sell goods worth $ 100 billion a year on our market and 50 billion services. The value of Chinese products of about 57 billion. And do you know how much the United States sells? (Property) for $ 12 billion, services for five. This is the result of your policy, including penalties. Who do they serve? Trump and Putin announced plans to set up working groups, with the participation of "captains of industry".

Green light at Nord Stream?

Two other crucial issues – the Ukrainian crisis and the Nord Stream 2 pipeline – were opposed to Helsinki, although they are closely related. Very little has been said about Ukraine, apart from the ritual mention of the respect of the Minsk agreements. On the contrary, Trump surprised everyone by softening the tone on the Russian-German gas pipeline he had waged until the day before, considering him a competitor for US shale gas sales at the time. ;Europe. We will compete, has accepted the US President alongside Putin. Perhaps a "green light" at the oil pipeline, followed by badurances from the Kremlin leader that Nord Stream 2 does not mean the end of the Ukrainian gas route. The following day, marted, from Berlin came the announcement of an agreement between Russia and Ukraine to continue negotiations negotiated by the EU on the transit of Russian gas to the country. 39; Europe. The current contract expires at the end of next year.

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