Trump Summit – Putin: a lot of trouble for the summit to be held in July


The date and place of the summit between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin were known, the meeting will take place on July 16 in Helsinki the day after the final of the World Cup at Luzhniki stadium in Moscow. Many topics will be discussed at the meeting. We will discuss the relations between the United States and Russia sanctions that affect the economy of the latter and other national security issues. The two presidents have met several times, as at G20 in Hamburg in 2017 but this time – as to the meeting [VIDEO] between the US president and the North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un – there are many adverse reactions to this comparison

The Russian Federation finds itself in a delicate position in the scenarios of the world, faces the aforementioned economic sanctions, diplomatic expulsions ] and problematic international relations concerning his intervention in Syria and Ukraine . In addition, the death of a former Russian spy in Britain has further damaged relations between the two countries

The decisions that will be made by Trump and Putin could give a different image to Russia

American showed ambiguous positions for some issues that shook the western world. In this regard, he baderted that for the Russian annexation of Crimea "a possible recognition"

Surely the meeting on Finnish soil, a country that has hosted several times a summit meeting between leaders of the former Soviet Union and the United States, has the potential to lead major international changes .

Therefore, it seems reasonable to ask whether the adverse response of many Western countries is adequate. Some journalists, such as Mary Dejevsky of The Independent consider the meeting between Putin and Trump as positive. This summit has the resources to represent the beginning of a journey that aims to consolidate international security by reducing tensions created between different territorial areas. On the other hand, reporters point out that it is not possible to anticipate the results of the summit. Some Trump policies have been severely criticized by many European leaders, so that the President of the European Council Donald Tusk recently pointed out in the letter of invitation to the European summit the need for prepare for the worst [VIDEO].

Russia considers the summit as a "crucial" point the preparation of the capacities of the Kremlin and Trump will therefore be fundamental to postpone clear positions thus allowing the clbadification of the future context geopolitics.

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