Trump to Putin until Salvini and the Panama Papers


  How do you see the world Marcello Foa: from Trump to Putin until Salvini and the Panama Papers

Ten quotes clearer than 10 pages, to understand which Rai could be under the presidency of Marcello Foa: a life in "Il Giornale" and now an established blogger. Especially with a part of the Italian public opinion

"The rulers are right and we will not stop"

"Today we can say: the sovranisti were right and it is n & # 39; There is no insult that will stop us, for a reason as simple as it is unexpected: the voters destroy, after the map, this neo-globalist and transnational construction that years of incessant propaganda have tried to transform into a Inescapable destiny ". (June 27, 2018)

"We are no longer a colony of France and Germany"

"The government of Rome is so strong that it bends Germany and sends it into crisis (from hysteria) France, who does not know how to tame a country too long considered a servile colony … "(June 21, 2018)

  How do you see the world Marcello Foa: Trump to Putin up to Salvini and the Panama Papers


"The plan of Mattarella must be stopped"

"And then everything becomes clear: the Europeanist establishment has decided to break the kidneys In Italy, as it has already done with Greece, the scenario that is announced is: to trigger a frightening crisis of Italian public debt, push the spread to levels never seen, cause panic , until the time when Italy will be commanded and Mattarella will invoke for the supreme good of the country trust in Cottarelli ( already in office) and / or the introduction of extraordinary measures, such as postponement of the elections and the consequent destruction of the reputation and popularity of Salvini and Di Maio, who will be designated as those responsible for this crisis. If the plan succeeds, it will serve as a warning to all European countries where "populist" movements are on the rise and will result in the final submission of European peoples to European oligarchies. How to say: hit one to educate a hundred. Because these are the logics, unworthy and authoritarian. To oppose is a civic and moral duty. The plan must fail. "(May 29, 2018, after the Quirinal's arrest at the appointment of Paolo Savona to the post of Minister of the Economy)

" Salvini rewarded because consistent, Di Maio loses his wink at the Democratic Party "

" Salvini's new course, able in a few months to present itself as a solid and balanced leader, opens long-term political perspectives (which we will return to soon) and complicates the short-term chart. In the end, the match remained in the hands of those who thought to dictate conditions to everyone and who even managed to reevaluate Renzi, who, reiterating the no to an agreement against nature with the 5-star movement, found the Pd house scene. There remains only one loser: Di Maio, who will not be prime minister, lost the Molise and was almost nil in Friuli. Who would have said it, on the evening of March 4th? "(April 30, 2018, after the regional elections of Friuli Venezia Giulia)

" Trump launches missiles in Syria while looking at Putin: horror "

" Tonight's attack represents a serious mistake and a turning in American foreign policy. It is a gesture of intimidation towards the Assad regime, but also – and perhaps most importantly – towards Russia and Iran. "(14 April 2018)

  Comment do you see the world Marcello Foa: from Trump to Putin up to Salvini and the Panama Papers


"Someone trying to put Putin in trouble"

"In this context All pretexts are exploited to make Putin nervous or weaken. Knowing the ultimate goal, we must ask ourselves: what was the interest of the Russian president in trying to eliminate an old spy, however, apart from the games, resorting to the most spectacular attempts at murder, the only – after the history of polonium – the whole world would have attributed to the Kremlin? You will agree: it makes no sense. "(March 27, 2018, after the international crisis that saw the EU support London accusations that the Kremlin would be the instigator the attempted murder of a former Russian spy in Salisbury)

"Political elections were a historic breakthrough"

"The March 4 was a historic election for three reasons. The first: the establishment was deceived by the victory of Macron, the so-called "populist" wave, which rose on the occasion of the Brexit and Trump victory, had exhausted its engine . The simultaneous success of Movimento 5 Stelle and Lega shows that this is not the case for a very simple reason: when social discontent is deep and lasting, it is not enough for a few cosmetics to control the electorate. The second reason concerns the role of the media, who have again abdicated their role as watchdogs of democracy, lending themselves to instrumental maneuvers to support the establishment. The third: Salvini won because he was able to moderate the tone, proving that he was not a dangerous extremist, but a true political leader too for accuracy and concrete character with which he was able to interpret the real concerns of a moderate Italy that yesterday he identified only with Berlusconi and today he recognizes himself in it ". (March 5, 2018, after the policies that have seen the statement of Lega and M5)

  How do you see the world Marcello Foa: from Trump to Putin until Salvini and the Panama Papers

Rai, Horse Rai

"Traini is just an unsuitable "

" The goal of the "progressive" world is to change the collective judgment, relying on the feeling of guilt and suggesting that Luca Traini's gesture is not an imbalance imbalance. I think, but the symptom of a revival of fascism in Italy. "(February 4, 2018, after the attack of a group of immigrants by a young man from Macerata, already close to the League, to avenge a girl killed according to the accusations of some non-European citizens)

"Italy is not ready for immigration"

"Uncontrolled immigration is a source of Injustice and that the integration of millions of Muslims or a religion that does not belong to the European tradition is dangerously unrealistic, especially from one country, Italy , who has neither culture nor experience and who is not ready for such an important badignment. Moreover, in my opinion, it is not only Italy that is not prepared, but all European states, given the failures and rejection crises that occur everywhere, starting by those from the north of the continent. "(January 21, 2018)

  How do you see the world Marcello Foa: from Trump to Putin up to Salvini and the Panama Papers


Migrants (AFP) [19659009] "Panama Papers Do Not Honor the Press"

"What we observe in these hours has no stigma of journalism at all of investigation, if not something more ambiguous and not very honorable. In April 2013, the International Consortium for Investigative Journalism – the same one that today promotes the Panama Papers – circulated the names of 130,000 accounts in tax havens and trusts around the world that had helped their prestigious customers to open them. The media pattern of the time is identical to the one emerging today: a source transmits to the Consortium of Journalism a huge amount of secret documents, so colossal to encourage it to involve a certain number of newspapers with the reading and the selection of thousands of documents, whose authenticity is however badured. From whom? But from the source itself, which is however not disclosed to newspapers. Guarantees the Director of the International Consortium for Investigative Journalism "(April 5, 2016)

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