Trump unleashed in London already thinking at the top with Putin


Relaxed, stubborn, pragmatic, combative, presumptuous and sometimes even arrogant with invisible journalists, to the point of withdrawing the word from CNN correspondent to give to Fox News colleague, "because CNN gives false news, better to speak with a real network ". On his second and last day in England, before flying to a relaxing weekend in Scotland, Donald Trump even manages to shake even the wobbly Theresa May, who does the honors, fantastic, he makes a wonderful work and our relationships are super-special. ") He says it after shaking the morning with an interview with the Sun, in which he rejected his line on the Brexit (" he was shipwrecked "), then also set that false news.

In the roller coaster to The head of the White House is used to traveling friends and foes, the media and opinion leaders, in the end The Donald addresses all issues Thorny internationals at the press conference in Checkers, especially outside of London to avoid the hundred thousand Britons from him in the capital.He talks all around, and even out of his teeth, as in his style. Hitting the usual unwelcome leaders s (Obama and Merkel) and flattering instead of Russian Putin. Back on the tumultuous summit of NATO which has just ended in Brussels and which takes the merit of the 34 billion more than the Allies have committed to devote to the defense "since I was president. Is thanks to me. "On China and Russia:" To hear is a good thing. "And speaking of the expected summit of Monday in Helsinki with the Russian president, he explains that he will deal with different issues: "We will talk about Ukraine, Syria, other parts of the Middle East and Russian interference." Trump badures that it will be "harder that no matter who else with Moscow ", but then he states that" to be able to develop a relationship with Putin would be fantastic. We were damaged by the witch hunt. "On the outcome of the meeting:" I'm not leaving with high expectations, but we could come out with a surprise. "And" if we reach an agreement in the field of nuclear non-proliferation will be exceptional. "

The worst reservations to historical enemies, Obama in the first place, who even accuses of having endorsed the annexation of Crimea:" Putin would not have if I was the president. "Then he goes on to suffer with Angela Merkel's Germany for its energy dependence on Moscow, reviving data already denied by Berlin (" I know that Germany absorbs 60 to 70% of energy from Russia ").) And defines the North Stream gas pipeline" a horrible mistake. "

Finally, the chapter on immigration "It's a very bad thing for the EU. You see what is happening, the terrorist attacks that have hit many countries, "says Trump. Prime Minister May, who recalls "the important history of the welcome" of the EU and his country "people in danger" and how "over the years immigration has well done in the UK, its society and "economy." Except then defend Brexit as a solution for total border control, because "what's important is having rules to determine who comes in and who does not It is not. "Both leaders provide an informal green light to the trade agreements between the United Kingdom and the United States after the exit of the EU:" We have the opportunity to triple them Says Trump, goodbye to sparks, after tea with the queen, relax in Scotland, so you steal from Putin.

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