Try to smother the mother-in-law, arrested 56 years of Codevigo – Chronicle


Codevigo. Yesterday afternoon, the Carabinieri from Chioggia Sottomarina station executed a custody order issued by the Court of Justice of the Venice Court against a 56-year-old man from Codevigo, seriously suspected of the crime of attempted murder. Homicide against the 83-year-old mother-in-law

According to the reconstruction of the investigators, the man, on July 13, had gone to visit the old woman who had been hospitalized in Chioggia for a few days because of a cerebral ischemia, with severe impairment of cognitive abilities and elimination of motor abilities.

The woman was hospitalized in a room with another patient and was badisted by a Belarusian caregiver, who had momentarily left the room at a time when she herself had fallen asleep. Upon her return, after a few minutes, the caregiver found herself faced with an unexpected scene: the 56-year-old man was holding a waxy tissue with which he covered the nose and mouth of his mother-in-law . And the woman moved her head to try to free herself from this constraint. On the other hand, the man had a cell phone that he was looking at the screen, probably checking the pbadage of time with a stopwatch.

Precisely because he was concentrating on the phone, the man did not notice the caregiver's return. The latter stayed to watch the scene for a few seconds, until the man did not notice his presence and did not give up. At that time, the old woman caught her breath, and slowly breathing was normalized

The caregiver went to inform a nurse and then, with her, she returned to the room and asked for the To explain his intentions. The 56-year-old man has defended himself by claiming to have implemented an innovative practice unknown even to doctors to provoke reactions in the elderly stepmother, and mimed the gestures made before the witness who in the meantime has taken with a smartphone the gestures that the man

The suspect

also pretended to make a phone call in which he claimed to have tried the new technique and that he would come back the next day to try to new. But his explanation did not convince anyone. The alert was triggered, investigations began and now the man was arrested.

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