Tunis, First Mayor of Souad Adberrahim: "A pride for all women"


From today, for the first time in history, being mayor of the city of Tunis will be a woman. With 26 votes for, city councilors preferred Souad Abderrahim leaders of the moderate Islamic party Ennhadha to his rival Kamel Idir, of the secular party Nidaa Toune, finished second with 22 preferences "Being the first woman mayor of Tunis is a pride for all Tunisian women, "said the first citizen in the May 6 municipal elections, which considered it a priority for citizens' preference.

Souad, a 54-year-old pharmacist, who does not wear a veil while he is leader of the Islamic Party is very concerned about the fight against discrimination based on the bad. Married and the mother of two sons, she was awarded the title of Knight of the Tunisian Order of Merit in 2014. Neither on the right nor on the left, but "independent" as she herself has defined time and again, has clear and traditionalist positions on the family.

Seven years after the jasmine revolution, in the context of spring In Tunisia, only 34% of voters voted in Tunisia, one in three citizens. Limited participation, but which has often rewarded women: about 47% of them sit on municipal councils in the country's cities and in many cases at the mayor's office. Also because of the "quota of roses" which imposed 50% of the female members of the list. Souad Abderrahim dedicated his victory "to all Tunisian women".


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