Turin, an officer fires at a young man who attacks his colleague: two wounded


A 20-year-old man was shot at his side tonight in front of Porta Nuova station in Turin. A policeman stepped in to defend a wounded colleague

The railway police, who has offices next to one of the train station exits, stopped a man from Somalia around 8:30 pm. It is a normal control: the two policemen stop the young man in the parking lot and ask for the documents, but he reacts and leaves under his shirt a sort of fork, or a punch with several points, with which he strikes one of the agents. The policeman falls to the ground and the colleague to defend him pulls the gun and shoots. On the asphalt, it will be necessary to check the sceintifica, there are at least three shells of the gun of order.

The young man was struck on one side, his condition is serious: he is transported to Molinette hospital. The code with which the paramedics alert the hospital of their arrival is that of maximum gravity. At the hospital, the injured person is admitted to the emergency room, his condition is serious but he is not in danger of death, he is awake and alert. The ball came from one side and came out of a thigh without hurting the vital arteries

  Turin, officer shoots a young man who attacks his colleague: two wounded

Police officers instead of aggression

At the hospital is cleared, under arrest for the attack of the police officer. Even the injured agent was rushed to the hospital, in Mauriziano: the forks only hit him with a smear of back, the prognosis is 5 days.

The area in front of Polfer's offices remained isolated from the white and administrative stripes until late in the evening to allow for scientific surveys. The control and the reaction that followed took place under the eyes of taxi drivers who come and go every day from Turin's central station. "I felt the blows but I was behind, I did not immediately understand what had happened," says one of them. "Then I realized that there were two men on the ground."

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