Turin, M5s stops the Tav. Demons evicted from the room


Approved by Red room the Municipality of Turin agenda with motion No Tav of the Five Star Movement. The session was fraught with tension. The chairman of the city council expelled all the representatives of the center left of the audience room.

The first to leave the clbad was the group leader Stefano Lo Russo. Subsequently, the former mayor Piero Fbadino had to leave the red room. The eviction was triggered by the exposure of pro-Tav signs in the clbadroom. The reaction of Piero Fbadino: "The absence of the mayor is a serious and irresponsible choice, that means having a big tail of straw" "We must ask what he will offer investors since his line says no to all investments ". In addition, clarify the position of Forza Italia expressed by the regional councilor Andrea Tronzano: "We hope that Chiamparino (the president of the region) will monitor the situation and will eventually prevail over common sense". The approval of the M5 odg actually testifies to the city's call for the government to abandon the work.

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