Turin, metro and bus: from Monday one way to 1.70 euros (with the chip)


Goodbye paper, welcome price increases: if only for those who go on public transport rarely, using mainly single tickets. In fact, the new Gtt tariff system starts tomorrow. The novelty that strikes the most is the increase, seven years after the last rises, of the single race of 20 cents.

The cost of a single ticket – no more than one card, but charged on the Bip card or on a "disposable" chip – ranges from 1.50 to 1.70 euros, but will last 10 minutes longer than 90 current, and it will be worthwhile on the entire network: in fact, the division between urban and suburban is overcome.

First and foremost, every day

The old paper tickets must be permanently removed (they can be used until the end of July), essentially supplanted by three virtual tickets to be loaded on the Beep or on tokens : in addition to the single ticket, called "City", there will be a daily, "Daily", which unlike the current ticket of 24 hours from 5 euros will cost 3 euros (for those who have a Beep) or 4 euros for all the others; then a "MultiDaily" which, at the same price (17.50 euros) from the old book of 15 races, collects 7 daily tickets usable on non-consecutive days and for an unlimited number of trips.

More Less Paid Journeys

The aim of the new Gtt ticket system, at least in the intentions of the Junta Appendino, is to encourage those who usually use public transport, concentrating the transport company price increases) on those who take buses, trams and subways sporadically. An example: with the daily newspaper, three daily trips will each cost 1 euro instead of 1.70. "More than 90 percent of the pbadengers make a round trip: thus – underlines the company of Corso Turati – for the great majority of the pbadengers there is no increase, and there is an economy for those traveling between Turin and the common belt ".

Unification of the network

The reform is based on two pillars: the unification of the network; the distinction between urban and suburban no longer exists. And the simplification of the number of travel titles: until yesterday the most used were seven, now they will become a maximum of four, including tourist ticket for 48 or 72 hours, the only one that will remain paper.

Prevalence of Income

All, or almost, in the new system, relies on the abandonment of paper tickets. The goal is to give each Torino a "Bip" card, even to those who do not currently have it: in the last four months, 80 thousand have been delivered.

Subscriptions and Revenues

Subscriptions (weekly, monthly and yearly) do not change, while another small and expensive revolution is affecting students and seniors. In particular, for the first, the 10-month subscription will no longer exist, but only from 12. And the rate will vary according to the income of the company. For young people under 26 (even for those who do not study, and this is one of the news), the annual card will cost at least 158 ​​(for those whose income is less than 12 thousand euros ) up to a maximum of 258 euros per year (for more than 50,000). In this way, there will be those who will pay a little less (many) and those who will pay more (many), without distinction between university students and high school students. For those over 65, however, the new rates will vary, again according to Isee's income brackets, from a minimum of 118 to a high of 188 euros a year.

July 1, 2018 | 12:27


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