Turin, the Monero family sells the shares of Leone Pastiglie, but the brand remains Italian


The Monero family, custodian of the Pastiglie Leone company since 1934, the famous confectionery brand of Turin, has sold its shares to a totally Italian private company. It all started in 1857, when Luigi Leone opened a confectionery store in Alba and started producing sugar tablets that were so successful that they quickly moved the laboratory to Turin to serve the Real Casa. In 1934, the company was taken over by Giselda Balla Monero and her brother Celso, who soon moved the laboratories to the headquarters of the civil society Regina Margherita 242. In 2006, the company was transferred to a production site more innovative in Collegno, via Italia 46, the current headquarters of the company

Pastiglie Leone, the pride of Made in Italy in the world, with a turnover of 10 million euros in 2017, inaugurates today a new chapter in its centennial Italian history. Pastiglie Leone has 70 employees

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