Turkey, the bride is a "child" and the wedding journalist breaks the groom's nose


It must have been a wedding but it turned into a fist fight. To put a beautiful straight on the groom's nose, breaking it, the photographer was instructed to follow the ceremony. The scene of events is that of the Turgut Özal Nature Park, in the Turkish province of Malatya . The protagonist of history is Onur Albayrak until yesterday a mere wedding photographer, today a true social network hero.

Yes, because Albayrak did not hesitate to throw himself on the groom when he realized that he was about to marry a minor. "The groom came to my studio two weeks ago and was alone.I saw the bride for the first time at the wedding.He was a child and I felt her fear, she was shaking.I asked her which age she had. "He first told me 15, then 16. Then I turned and I prepared to leave," Albayrak told the Turkish newspaper Hurryer Daily News

And it 's just when the man refused to complete the work that had been ordered that the fight broke out.Today, Albayrak is not at all repented: "I heard that they wanted to denounce me. They do it too. I only photographed a reality of this country. I'm just trying to stop the marriages of minors. "The episode, narrated by the same Albayrak on Facebook became viral.And so, after his testimony, even 100 planners have pledged to boycott marriages involving young girls.

Certainly not a rarity in the Anatolian peninsula.According to the NGOs, indeed, the data are "alarming." In spite of the law of the country, the 39, the minimum age for entering into a civil marriage is set at 18 and, exceptionally, at 17. However, the reality is another.The National Institute of Statistics states that the cases of married children "are in the order of 5%, while according to humanitarian badociations, the estimate is definitely down.In a country where Muslims are 99%, religious marriages celebrated by the Mufti are widespread and, according to Islamic law, for the marriage to be valid, it suffices caused the bride to reach puberty.

"Married girls" in Turkey had already appeared in 2016, when a fifteen-year-old girl died of postpartum hemorrhage just because of her young age. Also at this episode followed a great mobilization but, in fact, would still be 12 thousand Turkish girls given in marriage before the age of 18.

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