Turning UN, no resolution or vote on fat and salt. Except for Made in Italy – Institutions


The United Nations General Assembly meeting on noncommunicable diseases on 27 September will conclude with a political declaration, to be adopted by consensus, on which negotiations have been ongoing in recent days. No resolution and no vote is expected. This is what we learn from diplomatic sources of the Palazzo di Vetro.

Tuesday, July 17, we learn that the UN and the WHO are continuing their fight against foods high in saturated fat, salt, sugar and alcohol. smoking, to reduce their consumption and prevent noncommunicable diseases, from cardiovascular diseases to metabolic diseases and that a moratorium was being studied at the UN – with a discussion started a week ago with his own agency for health, the WHO – which has urged member countries to reduce consumption, especially salt, also through the use of labels to apply to this product

Everything comes from d & # 's 39, a report from last June, 'Time To Delive The WHO presented a series of possible recommendations to countries to reduce the negative impact of these foods and improve regulation of which, however, no higher taxation was mentioned, with the exception of the one on alcohol and tobacco, as was the case with an earlier proposal concerning sweetened beverages and soft.

The theme will be discussed on September 27 in New York, at the third meeting to badess progress in the fight against noncommunicable diseases. In the document, which referred to salt reduction by setting levels in food products and through information campaigns, some Made in Italy products were not explicitly mentioned but according to Il Sole 24, they could end up in the viewfinder. WHO also excellences of the Italian food basket as Parmesan, ham, extra virgin olive oil

An event that immediately aroused the wrath of the Minister of Agriculture, Gian Marco Centinaio : if so, "we are pure madness" They think that products like Coca-Cola or others are good for health and then they condemn us Parmesan or other products Italian cuisine. One hundred in an interview with InBlu Radio, the network of Catholic radio stations of the CIS.

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