TV Towers, while the Government hesitates over the appointments to Cassa Depositi Mediaset is settled with the fund F2i


Taking advantage of the slowness with which politics decided the renewal of the summits of Cbada Depositi e Prestiti the family Berlusconi tried to set up another important piece of his empire. It is in this context that Mediaset initiated an offer of 1.6 billion on the television towers of Ei Towers with F2i the Italian Fund for Infrastructure which counts among its main sponsors the Cbada Depositi e Prestiti controlled in turn by the Treasury. After the farewells of Fininvest in Milan and the stop Vivendi the Berlusconi therefore decided to withdraw from the market Ei Towers offering, with F2i, 57 euro per share, about 19% more than market prices the day before the announcement. With this movement, Mediaset reignited the risiko of the turns just as it happens also the auction for the frequencies 5G . The re-ignition because at the end of the games, Mediaset will keep its 40%, but if all goes well, F2i will control the company to 60%, currently on the stock market. And the share of Cologno will be greatly appreciated

"The transmission tower business plays a structural role in that of television," said Mediaset in a note where it is noted that Cologno Monzese has the intention to supervise the segment of general-interest television . Which led to the Biscione 2 billion advertising (data for 2017), gradually eroded by the advanced web that disconcerts innumerable Cologno Monzese. But if the turns are so important, why leave the ball in the hands of F2i? The basic idea is that with Silvio Berlusconi more out of the political scene, the project of pole of the TV towers that Ei Towers had already tried to realize with the bid on Rai Way launched in 2015. At the time, the operation was not going to the port because, according to the law, the majority of the capital of Rai Way was to remain in the hands of the public, while marriages with Ei Towers a company in which Mediaset would have prevailed.

However, Ei Towers never resigned on the badumption of remaining alone as evidenced by the fact that last February, the company submitted an offer for Persidera a group that contains Tim telephony towers . In addition, the experience of neighboring countries like France shows that there is room for a single tour operator in the national market. However, the question is whether these same tricks can also be used for the 5G, the new technology that will accelerate internet on mobile phones . In addition, right now, in addition to the television towers (around 2300), Ei Towers also has a thousand telephony infrastructures. It also has 6,000 kilometers of fiber and has already invested in strengthening the 5G network whose frequencies will be allocated to an auction by the end of September. Finally, Ei Towers has also entered into agreements with bike sharing companies that would enable it to easily place antennas in the service of 5G. In short, the company on which the F2i infrastructure fund aims is being projected on the construction of next-generation mobile infrastructure that also interests Mediaset to convey its content. It is a valuable network that, if the policy allows it, can still expand through the marriage with Rai Way, giving life to the national champion of the sector.

For the moment, of course, this is only a working hypothesis However, it would be difficult to find support from the yellow-green government with the Berlusconi family as Ei Towers' largest shareholder . That's why the coming into play of F2i has been providential for Cologno Monzese with a view to improving Ei Towers. And the appointment of the new management of the Cbada Depositi e Prestiti who, taking into account also the participation in Tim and his rival Open Fiber will have to define the new strategy around the telecommunications infrastructures of the country.

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