Two passports for the people of South Tyrol. La Farnesina: "hostile initiative"


A last July fire between Austria and Italy is announced on the case of the double pbadport of South Tyrol. Vienna, indeed, does not seem disposed to withdraw and has already in force a law for everything to work.

To report the news of the law was, on Saturday, the Austrian newspaper Tiroler Tageszeitung . The bill will be presented to parliament in September by the Austrian government, already in opposition to Belpaese for the blockade of the borders Brenner .

In the evening, the hard answer from the Foreign Ministry came from Italy. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Enzo Moavero Milanesi has indeed instructed the Italian ambbadador to Vienna, Sergio Barbanti, to seek official clarifications from Austria. And the Foreign Ministry did the same, but spoke to the ambbadador of Austria in Rome. A tug that could last at least until September, when – finally – Kurz and his partners will decide whether the bill really needs to be tabled in Parliament. [19659008] " If the press has been confirmed – a statement reads as follows: from the Farnesina – it would be considered an inappropriate and substantially hostile initiative, especially given the role of the Presidency of the Republic of Yugoslavia. European Union currently owned by Austria . "

In the afternoon, Giorgia Meloni spoke on Vienna. " Austria's wish to grant Austrian nationality to German-speaking and Ladin-speaking Italians is unacceptable, thus laying the foundation for the secession of South Tyrol – the leader of the FdI wrote on Facebook – We have not yet heard any clear words decided by the Conte and Matteo Salvini government against this diplomatic onslaught on Italy, the Brothers of Italy are ready to barricade themselves to defend the country. italianity of these lands If Austria pursues its way, we will require that dual nationality is not recognized Italian – Austrian: one who wants that of Vienna, will lose the Italian and the privilege of 'minority linguistics & # 39; ".

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