Two reasons why Salvini's super-brand does not agree with Orbán


Brussels. Matteo Salvini was appointed to become the anti-Macron on the continental scale, announcing the project of a "League of European Leagues" to transform the May 2019 elections to renew the Parliament European Union in a "referendum" on the European Union. At the moment Emmanuel Macron is trying to build a pro-European movement on the model of En Marche in France, which wants to break up and defeat the traditional left and right political forces, the leader of the Italian League and Minister Interior aims to unite free and sovereign movements that want to defend their peoples and their borders. "If the French president wants to" re-found Europe "to revive it, Salvini intends to bring down the" wall of Brussels "to overthrow the EU.But the Salvini project is likely to fail due to two main problems.First, Viktor Orbán, Sebastian Kurz and Horst Seehofer have no interest in Secondly, in the colorful world of European nationalists, the things that divide those who unite are more numerous.

European elections next year will mark a major internal revolution in Parliament European. The two forces that have traditionally dominated the Strasbourg Assembly – the European People's Party (EPP) and the Party of European Socialists (PES) – will experience a significant reduction in their number of seats, which threatens their ability to govern the rule of law. 39 EU in grand coalition. Focusing on pro-Europeans who believe in liberal democracy and who want to give more sovereignty to the EU, Macron has sped up contacts with Ciudadanos in Spain, the Democratic Party in Italy, and the United States. other moderate political forces in the Member States. The league leagues of Europe, however, is still only an idea: "It consists in making an international alliance of populists, which is for me a compliment," Salvini told Pontida Sunday. Its natural interlocutors should be the political forces that consider white and Christian Europe as defended by human, religious and commodity invasions, where democratic principles can be put on the back burner in the name of the people. The head of the so-called "illiberal democracy" is the Hungarian prime minister, Viktor Orbán. His dissertation on immigration has affected more traditional leaders belonging to the EPP, such as the Austrian Sebastian Kurz and the Bavarian Horst Seehofer. But none of them really has interest in giving up the popular to venture out with Salvini 's populists.

Kurz is considered the rising star of the Ppe; Seehofer and his Bavarian friends could leave only in case of definitive break between the Csu and the Cdu. In the family of the popular, Orbán can enjoy the status, influence and protection: the Hungarian Prime Minister participates in the summit of the EPP alongside Angela Merkel, Jean-Claude Juncker and Donald Tusk , demonstrating to his compatriots not to be pariah. On immigration, after the eulogies addressed to Merkel in 2015, the EPP has embarked on the path of the orphanage with the closing of borders and sorting centers of migrants outside the EU. As regards the procedures in case of violation of the rule of law, the Juncker commission is much more favorable to Orbán Hungary than to Poland in the hands of the party of national law and of the justice of Jaroslaw Kaczynski


Even on the "less presentable" front, Salvini's appeal is limited. Poland's Kaczynski, whose party in the European Parliament currently sits with the British Conservatives, can not afford to ally with those who openly praise Russia and its President Vladimir Putin. Scandinavian populists – from Swedish Democrats to the Danish People's Party, to the True Finns – do not want to be badociated with the far right. Thus the International Salviniana risks being limited to what is today within the group of European nations and freedoms in the European Parliament: League, National Front of Marine Le Pen, Dutch Vdt of Geert Wilders and Austrian Fpö from Heinz-Christian Strache. At most it can be extended to another fringe of the far right or the far right as the Flemish nationalists of the NVA or Alternative for Germany.

The only scenario that could lead Salvini to count in the European Parliament foresees an implosion of the Ppe: the malaise against Orbán grows up among the people. During a vote in the Committee on Public Liberty last week, half of EPP deputies voted in favor of a procedure for violation of the rule of law against Hungary. The breakup of the Union between Cdu and Csu in Berlin would have repercussions in Brussels and Strasbourg. The Frenchman Laurent Wauquiez is orbaning the Republicans. But the implosion of the PPE could ultimately prove counterproductive for Salvini, pushing the majority of conservatives (the moderate and pro-European like Merkel's CDU) into Macron's arms.

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