Unemployment is at its lowest since 2012


Rome. ISTAT released preliminary data on the employed and unemployed and the picture that emerges is definitely positive, with the job market still improving in May. "Within twelve months – the Institute of Statistics writes – the growth of employment appears to be substantial and is concentrated in the term and, in relation to age, between 15-34 years and especially among the more than fifty ". In addition, "the contraction of unemployment continues, which after the peak levels reached at the end of 2014 has returned to the levels of mid-2012. The decline in inactivity also continues, which remains at an all-time low." According to data released by the Institute, the estimate of employed people shows a significant increase: more than 0.5% compared to April, more than 114,000 workers. The employment rate increased by 0.2 percentage points to 58.8% over the previous month. The economic growth of employment concerns men (more than 80,000) and women (more than 35,000) and concerns the 25-34 age group (over 31,000) and especially the over 50 (more than 98 000). Permanent employees (more than 70,000) and term employees (more than 62,000) grew in the last month, while self-employed workers (under 18,000) recorded a slight decline after the two-month increase precedents. The estimate of job seekers in May recorded a sharp decline (down 2.9 percent, or minus 84,000). The decrease in unemployment affects both bades and all age groups. The unemployment rate stands at 10.7%, down 0.3 percentage points on a monthly basis, while the youth unemployment rate drops to 31.9% (minus 1.0 point). percentage).

Francesco Seghezzi, Director of the Adapt Foundation, writes on Twitter that "in May 2018 the employment rate in Italy is close to the historical record", and comments on the situation of the Italian labor market with the ten clbadic tweets on the ISTAT data: "In summary: quantitatively good or excellent, employment rate that hits the record, while the record is exceeded on the front of fixed-term contracts and those over 50 years. Is what has been happening for months ".

1) Strong employment growth in May, with 114,000 more employees (+ 0.5%), among the best monthly performances in recent years. On an annual basis, we are at + 457,000 occupied since May 2017. #Istat pic.twitter.com/YKE1WeZELF

– Francesco Seghezzi (@francescoseghez)
2 July 2018

2) The increase in the number of employed persons is primarily male (+80,000) but also that of women of 35,000 units. On an annual basis, the gap decreases by + 250,000 for men and +20,000 for women. #Istat pic.twitter.com/Wpta7F0Gys

– Francesco Seghezzi (@francescoseghez)
2 of July of 2018

3) The number of unemployed of 84 thousand units (now they are 2,79 million) and the inactive of 13 thousand, also decreased, but in a year they decreased of 345 thousand. #Istat pic.twitter.com/ZupYC3N7a6

– Francesco Seghezzi (@francescoseghez)
2 July 2018

4) The employment rate increases from 0.2% to 58.8%, close to 58.9% in April 2008, record since the existence of time series . But we remain clearly in the last places in the European clbadification. #Istat pic.twitter.com/WtBNoK2LEs

– Francesco Seghezzi (@francescoseghez)
2 July 2018

5) New employees are both permanent (+70,000) and at the end (+62,000). On an annual basis, only fixed term workers are growing, representing 94% of the total number of new employees since May 2017. #Istat pic.twitter.com/EWQrxFccLG

– Francesco Seghezzi (@ francescoseghez)
2 July 2018

6) The number of temporary workers exceeds the threshold of 3 million and the annual growth is 16.4%. Self-employed workers decreased slightly during the month and increased slightly during the year. #Istat pic.twitter.com/MHsEliLfWE

– Francesco Seghezzi (@francescoseghez)
2 July 2018

7) Without taking into account the demographic effect, the increase in employment is pushed by more than 50 (+ 98 thousand) which in one year increase by 468 thousand units, confirming the trend of aging Italian workers. #Istat pic.twitter.com/yZjiMPIqjc

– Francesco Seghezzi (@francescoseghez)
2 July 2018

8) The employment rate for 15-24 year olds decreases slightly (-0.1%), but that of 25-34 year olds increases by 0.5%, which can have benefited from the incentives provided by the Stability Law of 2018 (to be checked with the next INPS data). #Istat pic.twitter.com/sFrpO4gg4b

– Francesco Seghezzi (@francescoseghez)
2 July 2018

9) Purified by the demographic component, the data show that both jobs under 35 (+ 2.9%) and over 50 (+ 3%) ) increase, but there is also growth for the central area. Unemployed people over 50 years of age increased sharply (+ 12.2%). #Istat pic.twitter.com/UERgJ0kvwI

– Francesco Seghezzi (@francescoseghez)
July 2, 2018

10) In summary: quantitatively good, if not excellent. Employment rate close to the record. While on the front of fixed-term contracts and those of more than 50 employees, the record is exceeded. And that's what's been going on for months now.

– Francesco Seghezzi (@francescoseghez)
July 2, 2018

"More than 100 new employees in the last 12 months 1 are permanent, 4 are independent and 95 are futures," continues Seghezzi. "Do we really believe that it is a regulatory problem or maybe something is really changing and that we need to completely rethink the protection of workers and businesses in the new job market? ".

Out of 100 new employees in the last 12 months, 1 is permanent, 4 are independent and 95 are permanent. Do we really believe that it is a regulatory problem? Or maybe something really changes and we need to completely rethink the protections for workers and businesses in #lavoro's new market. pic.twitter.com/ilYSi87F6B

– Francesco Seghezzi (@francescoseghez)
2 July 2018

"That the data on employment are an encouraging sign, in a context where signs of an economic slowdown are starting to intensify," confirms Confcommercio. "For the third consecutive month, indeed, the number of employees has seen a significant increase between different segments, but it should be emphasized that there are still elements of difficulty for people aged 35 to 49 years old and self-employed, who do not benefit from any form of facilitation ".

"I was reading the data on employment, it is about celebrating the records, but we stop calling record occupation, today we have marked a record of precariousness of the Italian state ", commented, reading, the Minister of Labor Luigi Di Maio at a press conference. "If we want to celebrate work, it must be stable and dignified," he added. "Today, in the Dignity decree, we are beginning to dismantle this part of the employment law that created precariousness and this is only the beginning because I hope that Parliament will put us even stronger, "says the minister. it will contain "interventions on fixed-term contracts and increasing protections". Former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has posted a comment on Twitter: "Unemployment at the lowest level in years, the Jobs Act has created a million jobs in four years, not words. "Comment by Minister Di Maio: dismantling of the employment law Absurd, but consistent: the more the law on employment is dismantled, the more the citizenship income will be served. "

ISTAT data today: unemployment at least for years.
JobsAct has created a million jobs in 4 years. #FattiNonParole
Commentary from Minister Di Maio: we dismantle the JobsAct
Absurd, but consistent: more dismantle the #JobsAct plus the income from citizenship will serve

– Matteo Renzi (@matteorenzi)
July 2, 2018

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