UNESCO, Ivrea becomes World Heritage Deferred Conegliano and Valdobbiadene


  Unesco, Ivrea becomes world heritage reported Conegliano and Valdobbiadene

From ivreacittaindustriale.it/

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The ideal city of the industrial revolution of the twentieth century becomes the 54th Italian site on UNESCO's list The 42nd session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, ongoing in Bahrain until 4 July, has admitted the city of Ivrea to the list UNESCO world sites. The Unesco has announced in a twitter on his official account, where it is written: "Just registered as @UNESCO #WorldHeritage Site: Ivrea, industrial city of the twentieth century, # Italy, congratulations!"


"Ivrea, the ideal city of the industrial revolution of the twentieth century, is the 54th Italian site of Unesco, a recognition that goes to a humanistic conception of the world. The work of Adriano Olivetti, born and developed by the Community movement and here fully realized, in which the economic, social and cultural well-being of the collaborators is considered as an integral part of the production process ". That's what said Alberto Bonisoli, Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities, when learning about the twentieth century industrial city of Ivrea on the World Heritage List of the # 39; UNESCO. . Highlighting the Mibact, Ivrea represents a distinctive example of the experimentation of social and architectural ideas on industrial processes, and an innovative experience of world-clbad industrial production that particularly relates to the well-being of local communities.

Founded in 1908 by Camillo Olivetti, the industrial city of Ivrea is an industrial and sociocultural project of the twentieth century. Most of Ivrea's development took place in the period of the 30's and 60's under the direction of Adriano Olivetti, a period during which the Olivetti company produced typewriters, mechanical calculators and computers. The shape of the city and Ivrea's urban buildings were designed by some of the most famous Italian architects and planners of this period. The city is made up of buildings for production, administration, social services and residential uses that reflect the ideas of the community movement. The Industrial City of Ivrea is therefore a significant example of the theories of 20th century urban development and architecture in response to industrial and social transformations, including the transition from the metal trades to the digital industries. The perimeter includes the perimeter of the area for the Olivetti industrial project, including production buildings, offices, services (nursery, canteen, social services), residences. Ivrea's candidacy, presented to UNESCO in January 2017, was submitted to the evaluation process by UNESCO's consultative bodies, which lasted a year and a half. The results of the evaluation were presented to the 42nd World Heritage Committee, which decided to inscribe it on the World Heritage List. The candidacy was promoted by the Municipality of Ivrea and the Adriano Olivetti Foundation, together with the Guelpa Foundation, the Piedmont Region, the Metropolitan City of Turin and the Municipality of Banchette and coordinated by the General Secretariat – Office of the Unesco of Mibact. Demand has also used the contribution of various institutions and experts from the scientific and cultural world.


On the inscription of the Prosecco hills Conegliano-Valdobbiadene in the UNESCO World Heritage Register – postponed to the Next year – "we did our best, we made our voice heard, from a rejection position expressed by the technical committee". Thus, the Deputy Foreign Secretary Guglielmo Picchi commented with Adnkronos the results of the World Heritage Committee, ongoing in Manama, Bahrain, where it was decided to postpone the entrance of the Prosecco Hills next year while the city of Ivrea, with "its unique and industrial character", was included in the list. On the Prosecco hills "we did a great system work – said Picchi – our diplomatic network worked on bilateral relations with the member countries of the committee, convincing and explaining the uniqueness of the site, while the delegation of I was guided to Bilateral Manama with about fifteen countries, so we managed to find a hard core of eight countries that introduced the motion with which we went from rejection to registration. next year, the absolute majority, 12 votes out of 21, unfortunately got a two-thirds majority to get the registration immediately: in any case we managed to get the recognition back to the next year that There are exceptional conditions for this site. "

Among the countries that voted against, the undersecretary revealed, there is Spain, which" had an open attitude hostil e, dictated by competition from one of its wine site "that could compete next year. "The record – he stressed – has been treated unfairly at the technical level, I do not know if there are political reasons" that inspired the Madrid position. On the other hand, the great compliments came from the French, who also did not register their site: "They congratulated us for the way we presented our reasons, for the way we have makes our voice heard loud, "said Picchi. The Under-Secretary of the Lega explained, among other things, that the exceptional character of the hill site is due to the fact that "the Venetians have exported throughout the world the universal character of this synergy between man and the territory: in Brazil, China, the United States, in ecologically and morphologically complex areas, they brought their farming techniques. "The speech on Ivrea was much simpler," recognized as a site that has an industrial uniqueness and social, thanks to the insight of Adriano Olivetti, who badociated well-being to citizens at the workplace. "" The Ivrea registration represents a significant success – concluded Picchi – because he has reaffirmed, among others, the Italian leadership in terms of number of sites and also our ability to consider the heritage of humanity sites that have not been taken into account according to previous criteria "

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