"Unfaithful Italians": Separate the woman and the girl while playing all the slot machines


He was almost always out, wasting the little money available for video games. Instead of his wife, Tunisian like him, for many years, and for a moment even his little daughter imposed a regime of recluse, arguing thus: "The Italians are all unfaithful". Separated at home, with excess barrel. She stayed there for six years. Then he got tired and found the strength to call the carabinieri of this little garage without windows, without light, without air in which he had him locked up so that he did not "contaminate" with the Italians.
Rebadured by the army, the 34-year-old has found the courage to denounce her husband. Before that, he had only shouted, at 112, his request for help, on a hot afternoon. When the patrol arrives, he is in front of a room with no windows or vents closed by an electric shutter that he had broken down shortly before, furious because his terrified wife did not open them. Mother and daughter are sick. There he chokes.
The military decided to use the fastest means to release them. Kicked up to the door. They release them. They make them breathe. And now the woman, after years of oppression, decides to blame the despot: since arriving in Italy, aged six, she says that her life is a torment. No chance to socialize, to have friends. No free exit, it's not accompanied by him. But sometimes, for a short time. The man has not worked for months. The weakness of economic resources and the little money that there is, the result of the hard savings of it, he devotes them especially to the slot machine. He claims them, without respect even for his little girl. He always gets them. If necessary, with the barrel. Even this last day of captivity, he slaps her, forces her to drop the money. He also beats her in the afternoon, when after many hours she returns. Then he goes out again. Again, go back. This time, she does not open. He is afraid, he is tired of blows. He becomes a fury. It breaks the mechanism that governs the shutter. The walls saw the woman and the girl.
He is choking in this corner now. There is nothing more to do than to call the carabinieri: the Tunisian had never done it before, he admits, for the shame of their condition. Now, she and her granddaughter are at the shelter of a sheltered house, run by an badociation that will take care of them. It has been reported. The stop was not possible.

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