Unhcr and Salvini, a dialogue almost impossible


Fra Matteo Salvini and Unhcr is a dialogue that seems impossible. We will see, but the UN agency specifies that what comes from Rome does not like it

No NGO in the Mediterranean, no more weapons to the Libyan Coast Guard (and to the Navy): it is the strategy of outsourcing the borders that the Italian Interior Minister developed yesterday with Admiral and Deputy Prime Minister of Libya Ahmed Maitig, l & rsquo; Strong man of the executive headed by Fayez al Serraj, yesterday on a mission to Rome. Italy is ready to give all necessary means to Libya to act as a "policeman" of the Mediterranean, to the point that Salvini pledges to fight, at the UN, even for a revision of the arms embargo to all Libyan actors. For Italy, according to the Vice-Premier League, in Libya there is an internationally recognized government, the one headed by al-Serraj, and if from where comes the demand for military support, in arms, to fight criminal organizations and Isis militias This support must be guaranteed because it "returns to the war on terror".

The security line, to say the least, does not convince the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNCHR). "Any ship with the ability to perform rescue operations should be allowed to disembark in the nearest safe place," said UNHCR. "For us, right now, Libya is not a safe landing haven," said at a press conference in Rome the representative of the South European agency of the UN, Felipe Camargo. "It seems hard to believe that the Libyan coastguard can save them all," adds the UNHCR representative in Libya Roberto Mignone

Here is the point of substantial division between the UN agency and the Rome strategy: entrust the The Libyan Coast Guard's coordination of rescue services at sea could make the situation of migrants detained in Libyan centers even more difficult. Libyan immigration detention centers, says Mignone, "are already overcrowded, the increase in landings aggravates the situation that may become explosive

" There has been a spectacular and exceptional increase in the number of deaths in the Mediterranean : from one victim every 38 people in 2017, we have reached one in seven, "said Carlotta Sami, spokeswoman for Southern Europe of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). governments to help with rescues, as search and rescue capacity has been reduced considerably and this has an immediate impact on people's lives. "

UNHCR will play its part, on the side of the most vulnerable. the safe transfer of asylum seekers will be inaugurated in Tripoli in two or three weeks. The structure will be named Ease of Gathering and Departure will have a capacity c to accommodate up to a thousand people and will be managed in collaboration with the Ministry of the Interior of Tripoli. "We are going to take you – anticipates Mignone – the most vulnerable people among those landed by the Libyan Coast Guard, so that they do not end up in detention centers, overcrowded and unsuitable for the interviews needed to check the situation. existence of the conditions required for obtaining international protection ". From Tripoli, migrants could be transferred to Niger and, later, once their application is accepted, distributed to third countries wishing to receive them. Since November, UNHCR has transferred 1858 asylum seekers from Libya. 1536 of these people arrived in Niger, 312 in Italy and 10 in Romania. To date, 11 countries have committed to hosting 3,781 asylum seekers arriving from Libya and Niger: Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Spain, Finland, France, Germany and Canada.

UNHCR representatives, calls Europe. The 28 countries of the Union have offered 4 thousand places to welcome refugees from Niger in 2018 but to date, during the first six months of the year, it has only received 200. "The increase in the number of people reported in Libya this will exacerbate overcrowding in the country's detention centers," replies the UN agency in Libya to a question about the tightening of the immigration announced by the Italian government. "As the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, we can increase the evacuation capacity in Niger or elsewhere – Mignone explains – but European countries must accelerate this process to take them. "

On the thorny issue of repatriation, the considerations of Carlotta Sami in a recent interview are valid: "Repatriation is the prerogative of any state but also forced repatriations that must take place in respect of the rights of the country. man and the dignity of the people ". Then he added: "The fundamental point to promote social inclusion and fight against traffickers is to open legal mechanisms of immigration: the ways exist and we need a vision in the long term because unfortunately this phenomenon is global and does not close. After all, foreigners in Italy, we never say enough, are only 8% of the population and refugees are even less: three per 1000 inhabitants. "

Another burning issue is that of the Viminal Punishment on the right to asylum.Camargo announced that UN agency officials will see Salvini next week, with whom they will discuss the situation of asylum seekers. "We will ask to continue doing what Italy has done so far – said the UN representative for Europe's South at a press conference – Italy has been generous, offered the opportunity of international protection to those who He requested that we speed up procedures and we badured that There is effective integration. "

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