Unicredit Issues $ 3 Billion Bonds


Unicredit Issues $ 3 Billion Bonds

(Teleborsa) – Unicredit successfully placed a $ 5 billion, 5-year senior bond under the US Global MTN Program (GMTN) intended for a senior institutional investor.

The transaction forms an integral part of the Bank's financing plan for TLAC purposes – explains a note from Piazza Gae Aulenti – it is the second unprivileged senior of Unicredit after the first, five-year , for an amount equal to 1.5 billion euros placed at January 2018, it is the first non-privileged senior transaction benefiting from the GMTN program and confirms the ability of UniCredit to access at the market
no matter what condition.

The financing cost is 420 basis points over the 5-year swap rate in euros.

Unicredit provides a positive impact of about 73 basis points, compared to risk-weighted badets for the third quarter of 2018.

The investment was managed by Citibank, Morgan Stanley and UniCredit Bank as brokers.

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