United States and Turkey, high voltage on the American pastor detained


WASHINGTON – The United States warns Turkey: if no "immediate action" will be taken to free American pastor Andrew Brunson will start the sanctions. US Vice President, Mike Pence : "If Turkey does not take immediate steps to free this man of innocent faith and send him back to America, the United States will impose significant sanctions on Turkey up to That the pastor Andrew Brunson is not released, "he said at a State Department meeting devoted to the promotion of freedom of religion. religion. Then Pence said that he had a message to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of US President Donald Trump: "Free Pastor Andrew Brunson now or be prepared to face the consequences."

The United States will impose heavy sanctions on Turkey for their long-term detention of Pastor Andrew Brunson, a great Christian, a family man and a wonderful human being. He is suffering a lot. This innocent man of faith should be released immediately!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 26, 2018

Shortly after Trump reiterated the concept on Twitter: "The United States will impose great sanctions on Turkey for the first time. long-term imprisonment of Pastor Andrew Brunson, a great Christian, a family man and a wonderful human being, he is suffering tremendously, this innocent man of faith should be released immediately! "Brunson has been arrested since October 2016. He was ordered from prison to house, but the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo commented that "this is not enough".

Come on, and from Turkey comes the answer, lasts, always tweeted: "We will never tolerate the threats of anyone. The rule of law applies to all, without exception", ton the Turkish Minister of Affairs foreigners, Mevlut Cavusoglu.

dictates Turkey. We will never tolerate the threats of anyone. The rule of law is for everyone; no exceptions.

– Mevlüt Çavu? o? read (@MevlutCavusoglu) July 26, 2018

"Nobody gives orders to Turkey," added the head of diplomacy in Ankara.

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