United States-Germany: Merkel says yes to gas purchases in the United States


The Chancellor will finance a 500 million euro terminal in the north of the country


Donald Trump sings victory and at a rally in Texas for the re-election of Senator Ted Cruz, German Chancellor Angela Merkel "announced that Germany would buy huge amounts of liquefied natural gas from the states -United". In fact, as Wsj writes, Merkel has decided to open his country 's market to liquefied US natural gas co – financing a 500 million euro terminal in the north of the country. According to press sources, Merkel did not describe her thinking as a defeat, but as a "strategic" decision that could bear fruit in the long run.

German and US leaders have explained that the opening of Berlin to US liquefied natural gas could help resolve the trade dispute with Washington and avoid any US sanctions against the South Stream 2 pipeline between Russia and the US. Germany, which will double the capacity of the pipeline. Russian gas export. The experts quoted by the WSJ agree that Germany's decision will not bring immediate economic benefits to Germany, but could help diversify its sources of energy.

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