United States Intelligence Director: "Red Alert on Cyber ​​Attacks, as on September 11"


WASHINGTON – US National Intelligence Director Dan Coats warns of the threat of cyberattacks and states that the situation is at a "critical point", comparing "Warning signals" to those leading up to September 11. "The warning signs are there, and today the digital infrastructure that serves our country is literally under attack," he explained

"It was in the months leading up to September 11 that, according to the CIA director of the time George Tenet there was a red warning sign, and near two decades later, I'm here to tell you that the red alarm is flashing again. "Coates then referred to Russia, China, Iran and North Korea, among those who" continue their efforts to undermine our democracy, "describing Russia as" the most aggressive foreign actor " sif, without a doubt., he said, "are being introduced into our digital infrastructure and conducting a series of cyber-intrusions and attacks against targets in the United States."

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