United States: Trump, growth in 2018 can well exceed 3% – North America


& # 39; & # 39; Excellent number on the pil & # 39; The US President tweets Donald Trump commenting on the second quarter data GDP grew by 4.1% the largest increase since the third quarter of 2014. The +4.1 The percentage is + 2.8% in the second quarter of 2017.

"In the second quarter, the United States grew by 4.1% and, thanks to trade agreements, economic growth will be even stronger" Trump said of South Lawn South Lawn. & # 39; & # 39; We grow at a fantastic pace ".

US growth in 2018 could be "above 3%", well above 3% . This is expected by the US president celebrating the second quarter GDP data, which rose 4.1%. "Unemployment claims are close to the lows of the past 50 years," Trump adds, pointing out that "with tax reform, the US has returned $ 300 billion.

& # 39; & # 39; We are economically envied by the "whole world ," Trump said again. "We are finally returning to America first," which is America first, says Trump referring to the success of his policies.

And through Twitter, he writes, "I did not know about my son's meeting, Don Jr. It seems to me that someone is trying to invent stories," says Trump, referring to rumors that former personal attorney of President Michael Cohen revealed that Trump knew of the meeting at the Trump Tower in New York during which the Russians they should offer compromising documents on Hillary Clinton. June 2016 and during which his son was present


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