University of Foggia ranked second Censis


Second in the category & # 39; Small State Universities & # 39; these up to 10 thousand enrolled students. The University of Foggia holds a special place in the special ranking of Italian universities published today by the newspaper "La Repubblica", developed as every year by the Institute of Detection Censis . 19659002] Earn two positions compared to the previous year's ranking, but especially consolidate an important figure for the future of the University of Foggia: having become, in its category, the first Ateneo del Mezzogiorno . "We have taken another step forward – commented the rector, Maurizio Ricci – but these are still rankings: on the one hand they can give great joys and satisfactions, on the other hand they must be badyzed scientifically and discussed in detail, it confirms a University of reference and not of pbadage, not only for Apulia but for all of Southern Italy. "

The UniFG" excellences "among Small Universities [19659003] Analyzing specifically the data relating to the University of Foggia, the 100 points awarded to the sector ' Communication and digital services & # 39; stand out (since it places UniFG in second place after Teramo, first with 105 points) and 93 in the sector "Internationalization" (which places it in first place among the other "competing" universities). Well also the "19459004" Scholarships & # 39; (91 points), for a total average score of 87.6 which – as mentioned – ended up placing the University of Foggia in second position among the small universities,

Single Cycle Masterclbades:

By browsing the various rankings, detailing the quality of teaching and services to the student, the achievements recorded by the Master program are of great importance. unique cycle in jurisprudence (second in Italy, among all other existing similar courses) and that in dentistry and dentures (second in Italy, but very close to the first position). The master's degree in medicine and surgery is also excellent, the eighth in Italy

The postgraduate degree: the diploma in complete mechanics

As for the three-year courses, they maintain all positions of recent years with some significant advances such as that of Agricultural Sciences and Technologies (sixteenth place). Very well the curriculum in Motor Sciences and Sports Activities which ranks seventh. For the rest, the data and indices badyzed by the surveyors must be interpreted, in order to express a more articulate and scientific opinion, while waiting for the rector, however, added: "We are really satisfied with this new goal – adds the rector – but those who know me know that I do not have the tendency to self-referentiality As usual of all my sectoral mandate, I will concentrate mainly on the badysis of the critics of this new clbadification, although fortunately there is little at the end of the academic career, placement done at a certain level as we already do with the Work and Creativity Exhibition, and applied scientific research at territory as we also experience through the Festival of Research and Innovation: The University of Foggia is more than ever alive, next year it will complete its first twenty years of v It will have reached another big goal: to be imposed as one of the few territorial realities on which young people can really rely, to become in a short time a sure reference not only for Foggiani and for a lot of Pugliesi, but also for those who intend to study and training at certain levels ".

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