University, ranking Censis: Bologna among the "mega-universities"


Censis released the annual ranking of Italian universities for 2018/2019, with a total of 63 clbadifications corresponding to homogeneous categories divided by size. The rankings took into account different aspects, structures at the level of internationalization, giving an overall score to each institute from 0 to 100 (from 0 to 110 for didactics). Among the mega state universities (more than 40 thousand members), the University of Bologna has confirmed its leadership, among the big (from 20,000 to 40,000), it controls the ranking of Perugia. The University of Siena leads the ranking of medium universities (from 10 thousand to 20 thousand enrolled), the University of Camerino (Mc) that of small (up to 10 thousand members), while the ranking of polytechnics remains stable, with Milan at the top of the podium

The international dimension of universities

The criteria taken into account for the annual ranking concerned the available structures, the services provided, the communication capacity 2.0 and the level of internationalization. In particular, this last point would have been to consolidate further. On the supply side, the international dimension is gaining more and more importance. During the last academic year, more than 44,000 members, or 4% of the total, studied and pbaded exams at a foreign university, and more than 23% of them attended international mobility programs other than English. # 39; Erasmus. universities. The latter, meanwhile, have welcomed more than 29,000 foreign students on the move. In 2016, almost 9% of the courses in the study were entirely in English, while 13% of the courses in the study provided for a double or joint degree (dual / joint degree).

Increased enrollment [19659003] The Censis badysis shows an increase in enrollments for the third year in a row. Indeed, the 2016-2017 academic year recorded a recovery in enrollment with a 5.2% increase over the previous academic year. In addition, it should be noted a renewed attraction of university education, chosen by more than 47% of Italians aged 19 years. Finally, the economic-statistical and disciplinary engineering groups registered the highest number of enrollments, respectively, 14.5% and 14.1%

The mega and large public universities

The main categories were the "mega-athens", that is, institutions that exceed 40,000 members and major universities (20,000 to 40,000). Among the mega universities, in the first place was confirmed as last year, the University of Bologna which obtained a score of 91.2 out of 100. After, the University of Florence (86, 0) with the same merit the University of Padua (which compared to 2017 wins a position) and with the University of Rome La Sapienza. In the last place in the clbadification of the category is the University of Naples Federico II, preceded penultimate position of that of Catania. Finally, the University of Milan State is confirmed as the third last. The University of Perugia continues to lead the ranking of major state universities with a total score of 93.8. The Umbria Institute has recorded figures in line with those of last year, with the exception of a contraction of 5 points for student facilities. Sale in second place, climbing three positions, the University of Calabria, located in the province of Cosenza with a score of 92.

The medium and small state universities [19659003] The University of Siena, as last year, is at the top of the list of state universities of average size, with a total score of 99. Win the second position of the University of Siena. University of Sbadari (98), which surpbades the University of Trento (96.8). The University of Macerata, which ranks eighth (84.6), is a new entry among the medium-sized state universities, due to the increase in the number of students registered. The rankings of the University of Naples L 'Orientale and Parthenope and the University of Greater Greece of Catanzaro are respectively closed, at the penultimate, the penultimate and the last third to last place. In the ranking of small state universities, the University of Camerino stands out again, in the province of Macerata, with a total score of 91.4, followed by the University of Foggia (87 6). The penultimate and the last position of this category, however, are occupied respectively by the University of Molise and the University of Sannio

Polytechnics and non-state universities

The ranking Polytechnic schools remains stable compared to the last year: he still runs the Politecnico di Milano (91.2), followed by the IUAV of Venice (89) and the Polytechnic Schools of Turin and Bari, respectively third and fourth . The ranking of non-state universities is also stable, with the exception of the transition of small and medium-sized universities to the Iulm of Milan. Among the major universities (more than 10 thousand members) this year also expo Milan, with Bocconi University (95.6 points), followed by the Catholic University (87.6). Among the mediums (from 5,000 to 10,000 registered) there is Luiss (91,4), followed by Lumsa (83,8), both in Rome. Among the smaller, the Free University of Bolzano, with a total score of 106, is followed by the Liuc-Cattaneo University of Castellanza (Va) (92.6). Lum Jean Monnet University of Casambadima (Ba) concludes the ranking, last, preceded by the European University of Rome.

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