Usa, a 25-year-old mother, sells her 2-year-old daughter to pedophiles: her father discovers the horror


"Do not be mean to me, stop, you hurt me." But these two men do not stop, they continue and abuse her, who, at two years old, was sold by Azzie Watson, her 25-year-old mother, to two orcs for a few cents, as a rag doll: this same mother during the violence, she was silent and silent to help, impbadive on the outside, devoured inside by guilt because she knew perfectly well what atrocity she was committing .

A dirty pedophile story in Kansas City that only turned out when the child's adoptive father, while he was simply changing the diaper, he saw her cry crying incessantly repeat this sentence: "Dad, do not be mean to me, stop, you hurt me. Mistrustful of this behavior, typical of a traumatized child, and other details (she and her younger brother got their feet tortured) that made me think of abuses, l? Man warned the police: at this point, the investigations that led to the arrest of his mother and 43-year-old boyfriend, Charles Green. The investigation revealed a nightmare picture: Azzie had brought her daughter at least ten times to one of two pedophiles, allowing them to abuse her. A prolonged series of violence that also caused the child to contract a badually transmitted infection, not to mention the presence of amphetamines in his body

Azzie, accused of child abuse, not he could do nothing but confess and call a coward and lay his head of ashes by expressing his repentance and saying that he knew that he was doing something awful but that he did not have the strength to stop. Statements that, obviously, did not move anyone: it will take years to repair all the harm that has been done and ensure that the child can overcome the heavy trauma that has suffered. And no one was surprised to learn that after his mother's arrest, his children never asked him for news: a sign that maybe they are already starting to leave the past behind their backs. Meanwhile, police investigations are continuing: pedophiles who have abused her should not go smoothly.

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