Use, he made the armed man barricaded in the supermarket in Hollywood: save all the hostages


LOS ANGELES – The man who barricaded himself in a supermarket in the Holywood area was arrested and arrested. At the moment there is no news of wounded. All the people who had remained in the commercial operation appeared to be safe

The gunman had barricaded himself at a Trader Joes supermarket in the Silver Lake area of ​​Hollywood just outside of Los Angeles after a chase. police and the explosion of a few shots. Thirty people were held hostage for several hours. The man in front of the car flee in front of the supermarket would shoot at two women who, according to a first police replenishment, would be the grandmother and the girlfriend.

Hostages in the Los Angeles Market, the seat of the police

Donald Trump has followed the story closely. This was written by the same US President on Twitter, since his residency in Bedminster, New Jersey, where he is for the weekend. Trump adds how the Los Angeles Police Department works in collaboration with federal law enforcement agencies.

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