Use, Kavanaugh at the Supreme Court. Democrats: "At risk Obamacare and the law on abortion"


NEW YORK – "President Trump chooses only the best: the new judge adds a new star to the firmament of the Supreme Court ". The war of the spots begins at eight o'clock, one hour before Donald Trump announces the name of Brett Kavanaugh ("has impeccable references, role and merit") as a successor Anthony Kennedy the Republican judge has long considered that the scales of the highest court of America had resigned two weeks ago. Starting tomorrow, each channel will be a war of spots without neighborhood: with a group of democratic militants, Demand Justice who raised $ 5 million for the sole purpose of attacking the new judge: recalling that the conservative turn of the court is likely to call into question acquired rights such as abortion, but also guaranteed minimum wage and same-bad marriage.

But really Brett Kavanaugh, the 50-year-old Yale graduate who, according to Trump, would never have chosen for his past service of George W. Bush can he weigh a lot on the # 39, the future of America? This is the former White House candidate Bernie Sanders the Vermont Senator loved by the very young, to explain among the first at the microphone of CNN because the Democrats will not accept it. "His name comes from a list collected by the White House Counselor Donald McGahn with the help of conservative activists from the Heritage Foundation and ] Federalist Sociaty organizations whose main purpose is to erode if not to cancel the right to abortion ". A list, written on Washington Post that would be written even in 2016 precisely to convince the most conservative voters that Trump would work for them. The same which came also the judge Neil Gorsuch named in April 2017: in place of this Antonin Scalia that the party of the elephant prevented Barack Obama to replace, not to ratify his appointment of judge Merrick Garland with the excuse that he was an outgoing president

In reality, Kavanaugh's choice is also the most risky for Donald Trump. Not by chance until the end Mitch McConnell the majority leader in the Senate, advised him to focus on other names safer, safer, or easier to confirm in the Senate: the atypical "conservative" Raymond Kethledge 51 years old, from Michigan or the Shadowed Thomas Hardiman colleague of the presidential judge, Maryanne Trump Barry But , writes the White House correspondent of the New York Times Maggie Haberman on Twitter some isanti after the appointment, President Trump you know, "love challenges and hates the advice."

Of course, Brett Kavanaugh, much loved by the Conservatives, is an insider from Washington where he was born and spent most of his career, thanks to the powerful bonds, also known for having represented in the 90s Elian Gonzalez the little Cuban who was in the center of long tug of war between America and Cuba, especially collaborated, as well as with Judge Kennedy mentioned in November will take the place, with Judge Kenneth Starr at the time of ] badgate against Bill Clinton . Help him mount the case for the dismissal of the former president. Just that, according to some Republicans, it's a risky character: how will it behave in the event of a vote on a possible removal of President Trump? This is not enough. Kavanaugh is the author of many judgments. Hundreds of thousands of cards that Democrats might want to consider: a way to extend auditions as much as possible, to delay their confirmation at least until MidTerm. And he's trying to rebadure them in the short speech of thanks: "Judges must be independent, interpret the law, do not do it."

Well informed people say that the choice made is actually a matter of pedigree. Washington judge has emerged on the other three finalists, with whom he shares conservative positions, were in fact primarily his studies of Ivy League gold in one of the most Prestigious Law Schools, Yale Law School The reaction of the Democrats soon came. "With Kavanaugh on Obamacare and the Roe against Wade are at risk" it is health care and abortion, warns the Leader of the Senate Democrats, Chuck Schumer In a few hours the battlefield will be digital, the war of commercials already begun: the praise will be declined, extremism will be explored. President Trump: that the Democrats will barely manage to obscure.