Use, passport not granted to those who evade the tax administration


As reported by Americans do not have pbadports because scammers would be about 350 thousand. This is the consequence of the application of a law of 2015 that allows the department of Justice Usae ls Irs to refuse the concession of the pbadport when it there exists a tax debt exceeding 51 thousand dollars, a figure not entirely disproportionate.

A spokesperson for the Department of Justice told us about the new data: 362,000 Americans do not have a regular pbadport because they are on the list of tax evaders . Fiscal American does not give the green light to the release or renewal of the pbadport to all those who have a debt with the state, often also intervening on those who up to the publication of the document they had no arrears, but accumulated the following years.

The American Idea

The provision made by the US Government according to the Usae Justice Department of the Irs, is an absolutely positive new, considering last year about 220 people paid off their debt with tax authorities simply to have a regular pbadport. In addition, according to 1,400 other citizens decided to renegotiate their debts and gradually reduce them.

It should be noted, however, that this provision exempts all those who live in areas of calamity or those who have been the subject of identity theft . Who knows if the American idea will be seized and inspired by the Italian State, which could, by this way, encourage many debtors to extinguish the arrears with the Treasury, thus complying with tax authorities. Currently, there is actually no rule that restricts the physical movements of those who have a debt to the treasury, which is why these subjects often have anything but the worry of paying duty to those who are in use. .addEventListener (& # 39; statisticsCookiesAccepted & # 39; function (e) {
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