Use, shock for Trump's "surrender" to Putin on Russiagate: "Shameful, betrayal"


"Shame", "a little less than a betrayal", "outrageous". America reacts with bipartisan confusion to the statements of US President Donald Trump at the summit's last press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin yesterday in Helsinki. The image of a president who sided with a foreign head of state, and also suspected by an official investigation of anti-American activity, refusing to support its own intelligence agencies engaged in the investigation of Russiagate, upset commentators of national television channels, Republican and Democrat politicians and of course the officials of the administration themselves involved

Yesterday Putin repeated the old version, that "Russia has never interfered with the US elections", and indeed An interview added that there would be no reason for it Spying on Donald Trump because "we did not think he would be a presidential candidate" (an insulting blow that accentuates all the more as the Putin summit came out victorious and Trump finally humbled) I do not want to offend President Trump, and that may seem offensive, but before he announced his presidential race, it did not belong to us of no interest, "Putin said. "He was rich, but there are many rich people in the US He worked in construction, he organized beauty contests, but no, no one could have imagined that he would run for president. he never mentioned his political ambitions ". But if Putin stayed true to his scenario, it was Trump's performance that caused the confusion. Desirous of dismissing suspicions that his election was the result of foreign manipulations, the president argued that the Russiagate inquiry "was born only because the Democrats had lost" and "that it does not matter. there was no collusion ". "These are lies" also for Putin: "We could bring the men of Mueller (the prosecutor in charge of the investigation, note) in our country, but there are conventions, we should also have the opportunity to question US citizens involved in espionage stories. "Trump finally, also criticizing the FBI, said that:" Putin was very convincing, he offered to cooperate. "

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To rise up against Trump many Republican politicians, also prominent As commented by the leader of the group, Paul Ryan: "The President must recognize that Russia is not our ally, remains hostile to our values ​​and that the United States must continue to call for its actions and put an end to its vile attacks on democracy. "Or Senator John McCain, very hard:" The most outrageous performance of a American president that history recalls. " The harm inflicted by naivety, egocentrism, false equidistance and sympathy for Trump's autocrats is difficult to calculate. The former CIA chief, John Brennan (2013-2017), expressed concern that some of the current US intelligence has in common, tweeting indignantly: "Just under a betrayal, this is not only that Trump's comments are stupid., it's that he's totally subdued by Putin's Republican patriots: where are you ???

Donald Trump's press conference in Helsinki reaches and beyond the threshold of "high crimes and misdemeanors." This was nothing short of treason, not only were Trump's comments foolish, but he is entirely in Putin's pocket Republican Patriots: Where are you

– John O. Brennan (@JohnBrennan) July 16, 2018

Appeal to patriotism also by former FBI leader James Comey – Trump's first accuser and now his nemesis – who comments: "The patriots must advance and reject the behavior of the pr "

The reactions of the American anchor, usually aseptic in the news reporting phase, also appeared obvious. In particular, CNN's senior reporter, Anderson Cooper, called the press conference "one of the most shameful performances of a US president at a summit in front of a Russian leader, certainly among those of whom I have been a witness ".

And tonight at 8 pm (Italian time), the president meets with members of Congress precisely to discuss the outcome of the summit.

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